What If Everything the Church Taught You About Sex Was Wrong?

The authors of the ‘The Great Sex Rescue’ help Christians restore sex to its rightful place in the abundant life that Christ promises

Eric Sentell
Published in
6 min readFeb 24, 2021


Thank God for The Great Sex Rescue: The Lies You’ve Been Taught and How to Recover What God Intended by the women of the blog, To Love, Honor, and Vacuum. This book is a research-based, upbeat, Christ-centered, Spirit-led guide to a more fulfilling, mind-blowing intimacy — even if a marriage needs restoration from issues like lust, porn, and differing libidos.

I received an advance copy of the book to assist preparing for podcast interviews with the authors. I loved it so much that I chose to write this review.

For years, Sheila Wray Gregoire advised Christian couples on how to have a fulfilling sex life through her blog, To Love, Honor, and Vacuum, but she discovered that good advice couldn’t overcome the harmful lessons her readers had absorbed from Evangelical subculture, their experiences with purity culture, and the best-selling Christian marriage books.

Harmful lessons like:

  • Men naturally need sex; women are naturally indifferent to sex.
  • Boys will push sexual boundaries; girls must stop…



Eric Sentell

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