What if Satan?

Doesn’t come with a pickaxe or with horns sticking out of their head

David Ramos
3 min readJul 10, 2020


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Taking an afternoon drive my friend decides to FaceTime me.

She tells me all about a movie about a lawyer, one who has a gift of having his clients acquitted due to his sharp sense of discernment.

As the movie progresses, this lawyer is earning an honest pay, and many would regard this guy as a good guy even though he represents some pretty nasty dudes.

You might know where I’m going with this, but let me continue.

One person, in particular, was so rotten and evil, nobody would regard this man as “good” and no other lawyer wanted to represent this guy. This man was rich and promised to pay very well for anyone who would represent him.

The lawyer takes this client, wins the case, and lands a job making more wealth than he has ever imagined in New York City. Everything is going fine until his wife starts seeing things, she starts to be consumed by the wicked parts of the city.

This drives her completely mad. So mad, she eventually decides to commit suicide.

The lawyer one day is being met by the firm’s boss. His boss eventually reveals himself to be the lawyer’s father, but also Satan.

He has a proposition for the lawyer. Satan asks him if he will be able to bear the antichrist of this world. The lawyer knew that if denied he would lose his job, so he kills himself.

Waking up, the lawyer actually decides not to take on the case for that evil man. This pivots his whole career into a new path, and on that new path, he gets famous.

Reporters are asking for him, journalists are interviewing him, and one, in particular, met with him revealed himself to be his father, and also Satan again. Satan then told him, that vanity was his favorite sin.

Movie end.

How will we see him?

It is hard for me to believe that when the end times are here that a man who looks very creepy and out of this world will show up to destroy life on this Earth.

Satan doesn’t just destroy, but many of his plans are only purposed to steal.

In this movie, Satan came here to not destroy his life, but rather to steal it. The enemy will always have the means of inflating our world so big that we can’t see past it. This is what we can see going on around us in our nation too.

When we become so consumed in what is going on in this world, and not the hope past this world, we will cling onto whatever will take us further in it.

Satan was never dressed like the man who fired employees. Never acted like the one to get into reckless fights. Not the one that gossiped about people behind their backs. Rather he is the one that is following all the rules of culture and society but isn’t following God.

He is so bent on getting others to follow him and turn away from God. The moment that he knows that your life has a price tag, you can expect him to match it, and likely double it.

Many times, our enemy in the Spirit isn’t dressed like a demon, but rather we will regard them as an angel of this world, and that is the most dangerous part.

We must no longer judge a person’s character simply based on where they went, but where they are going, their purpose and calling.

So many “good” people in this world. Very few are following God though.



David Ramos

writer with a sword, fighter with a pen. want more grammar errors?