What if the Locusts Kill You?

When the consequences arrive on your doorstep, God’s still there

Julie Ranson
Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2022


Photo by Flash Dantz on Unsplash

The Lord says, “I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts, the hopping locusts, the stripping locusts, and the cutting locusts… and you will praise the Lord your God, who does these miracles for you. Never again will my people be disgraced.” (Joel 2: 25–26, NLT)

It’s tempting to lift a verse and tag it as one’s “life verse” or some such thing. Or perhaps as a guiding light during a specific time? So, when prompted by this scripture, I wondered how it might apply to my life.

You see, I lost my husband two months ago. And two days before he died, I asked God exactly what I was supposed to be learning from all this sadness and pain. “He isn’t learning anything,” I pronounced to God, as I pointed at my husband’s sleeping form.

Angry. Resentful. Hurting. So much.

My husband was the kindest man I’ve ever known. He had a placid demeanor and never raised his voice. Unlike me, his wife of 13 years. He gave me a special smile when I went “haywire” over something. And it didn’t make me angry, as one might imagine. He’d just listen and offer that smile, which embodied his understanding and patience.



Julie Ranson

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: