What Invitation From God Have You Received Recently?

Joining with God where He is at work

Nancy Booth


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When you receive a special invitation in the mail, how do you feel? What do you do? What do you think? Each new day can be an invitation from God to join Him in what He is doing around you and through you.

What invitation have you received lately?

When this question was asked of me at a recent writing retreat, I wondered about what invitation I was receiving from God. I think of invitations coming in a pretty envelope, addressed to me for a special occasion. The occasion usually is a gathering to celebrate.

What special occasion was God inviting me into where He is at work in my life and those around me, an event to prepare for, make-ready and celebrate?

Behind the scenes of an invitation

In order to receive an invitation, I was thinking about being ready. In biblical times, when Jesus extended the invitation to the disciples in Matthew 4:18, they dropped everything and started following Him.

However, what we don’t see in that passage, is the preparation of the disciples. Peter, Andrew, James and John already knew about Jesus as a rabbi. In Jewish times, men were chosen to be part of a rabbi’s…



Nancy Booth

As a lover of God and creator of safe spaces, visit www.mysacredmoments.com to discover ways to develop intimacy with God and and more conversations with Him.