What is “Due Time” in 1 Peter 5:6?

God’s plan to lift you up

M.M. O'Keefe


This often-overlooked verse promises a big payoff. Illustration by M.M. O’Keefe.

I call 1 Peter 5:6 my “lifetime verse” because the message of humble waiting for God’s perfect timing keeps coming back like a boomerang in my life.

In this reflection, I focus on what I’ve learned about 1 Peter 5:6 from my personal study of the Bible and life experience. Why? This often-overlooked verse promises a big payoff.

If you can grasp and embrace the recipe of 1 Peter 5:6, you are promised elevation, even exaltation, not by straining to pull yourself up some slippery career ladder, but by the power of a God who cares personally for you.

Are you ready to go up, up, and away? Then let’s go.

Due time is like one of my favorite books by Dr. Seuss, “A Great Day for UP!” Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash.

What does 1 Peter 5:6 really mean?

The verse is an if-then statement. It starts with the prerequisite of humbling yourself.

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” (1 Peter 5:6, NIV).



M.M. O'Keefe

I write about faith, fathering, sports, recovery and history — hoping to inspire you.