What it Means to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

How do we overcome not ‘feeling’ God’s presence?

Published in
6 min readFeb 25, 2019


The first real challenge of my faith came when I went on a five-month internship to Arizona. It was the first time I lived on my own. Yes, I had been to college for four years before, but my parents were always an hour and a half away if I needed anything.

However, my five month journey in the state of Arizona was the first time I experienced a “lack” of God’s presence.

I moved there knowing three people. I had been a Christian for only three years. And I had never been forced to find a new church or group of believers to get connected with before this point. All Christian community I had prior to this was built in because of the college ministry which grew my faith.

But now, things were different.

I was working an internship which was probably one of the best career development activities I have ever done. But I was alone. Living on barely anything. My apartment was empty because I knew I would only be there for a short time. And I didn’t have a lot of friends to start the experience.

I hopped around, church to church for weeks. Never trying to find community. I figured I was only there for a while so it wasn’t worth my time. But I was wrong. By the end…




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