What I’ve Learned About the Seasons of Motherhood

An unapologetic reflection of how good it is

Cara Ray


First Mother’s Day, Author’s Photo

I was driving west on Paseo del Norte, across the Rio Grande River when it happened. It was fall, and the Cottonwoods had just begun to turn. The crisp yellow foliage against the backdrop of the bright blue sky took my breath away and interrupted the cries of my longing heart.

Albuquerque Bosque, Photo provided by Canva

Season of Longing

For two and a half years we’d been trying to have a baby. Fear gripped me, as I wondered if I’d ever wear the title I wanted most in life, “Mom.” In the few minutes it took me to cross the river, I inexplicably felt the Lord’s nudging to trust Him completely. It wasn’t an audible voice, but a gentle reminder to my spirit, “Just like I’m never late in turning the leaves each year, I’m not late concerning you. Let me indulge you.” The word ‘indulge’ was unusual and caught me off-guard. I was pretty sure this was a word from the Lord, and I prayed it wasn’t just wishful thinking. I didn’t know what it meant, but I knew that the God who was never late in changing the color of the leaves, also cared about the longings of my heart.



Cara Ray

Christian writer, blogger, and seeker of holy leisure. Finding Jesus truly satisfying. My cup overflows. To learn more: www.cara-ray.com