Scripture Prompt

What One Woman’s Extravagant Action Teaches Us About Loving God

And how one man’s reaction shows us practicality can be overrated

Gordon McFarland
Published in
5 min readApr 27, 2021


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

It’s not either-or it’s both-and

Is it more important to save souls or care for the needy? This is a question that seems to divide the church into two opposing groups. Some think the main mission of the church is to make certain people’s physical needs are met. This is the “care for the poor” party.

Others hold the view that, as Christians, our efforts should be put toward persuading people of their need to accept Christ as savior. These Christians believe saving souls is the real mission of the church.

The truth is, there is no conflict.

Of course, God wants us to help others when we become aware of their needs. Of course, it’s futile to meet those earthly needs if their eternal souls are lost because no one told them of their need to be reconciled to God.

We aren’t to choose between preaching the gospel and helping those in need. We’re to do both.

