What’s in a Name?

The fascinating biblical truth about naming and identity

J.A. Taylor


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

When my wife and I began to bring children into the world, we had a good bit of conversation about what to name them. We borrowed names we liked. We combined letters from family member’s names to create new ones. We picked names that embodied characteristics we hoped would be a part of our children’s lives. We also avoided names of people we didn’t respect.

A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. (Proverbs 22:1, NIV)

The reason we spent so much time picking names for our children is because a name speaks to identity, and identity is a big deal.

Identity and significance

There is a three-word question that most of us spend our lives trying to answer, even if we don’t realize it. That question is: Who are you?

What comes to mind when you hear those three words? How do you answer that question? It’s a question that cuts to the core of identity. It reveals what you believe about yourself. It reveals what you value and where you find your significance.

Some of us answer it with our vocation or our job title. Some first questions we ask unfamiliar people are, “What do you do?” or, “Where do you work?”…

