When God Is the Author of Your Life There’s No Need to Worry

Live in the hope that there is a creative solution to every problem you encounter

Mary Gallagher


Have you ever looked at your life as a story that is being written by God? Some feel that fate deals them either a good hand or a bad hand and others rely on themselves to get through life, but what if there was a more interesting and hopeful way to look at your life?

My husband and I are bingeing an older USA Network series called Suits. The main characters from a Manhattan law firm always find themselves in the proverbial hot water with their backs against the wall, facing insurmountable odds to get out of their precarious situations.

I love the cliffhanger episodes because I’m always left exclaiming out loud, “Now how’s he going to get out of this one!?!”

How will Mike avoid jail, how will Harvey restore his credibility, how will Jessica save the firm? Yet, I know all the problems will be solved because the show has incredibly creative writers, as do all long-lived dramas.

Life is a story; God is the author

It occurred to me some time ago that our lives are a bit like a drama television series, compelling movie, or epic novel. We face crisis after crisis…



Mary Gallagher

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul