When you are willing to try again, call me!

Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2019

Could this be happening, for real, to me? A curse?

Photo by: Luis Galvez on Unsplash.

“You bloody liar! You are fired! Get out of my office!”. That was the voice of the General manager, to Juliet.

That was her 5th job in 8 months.
Juliet, 35 years old, beautiful, dexterous and hard working woman.
She’s a single mother with two kids: Brian and David.
She had been framed, again, of certain immodesty in the company’s account.

Her husband Willy, 42, was the street famous Peter Pan. He is well known for his carelessness and how he had abandoned his family to live with another woman, far away from home.

Wrong choices?

“My life is full of wrong choices that I’d made,” she lamented upon every single misfortune she had faced including her marriage.

One fateful day, lying on her 3 sitter couch, she went deep in thoughts “life is unfair. Why should everyone in my family suffer like this?”

She had lost her parent in an auto crash 10 years ago. She has a sister who’d gone into prostitution, her brother, a drug dealer, and an addict.

“Yes, I knew it! We are cursed!” she exclaimed as she broke into emotional tears. She stood up, staring at her purse lying on the glass stool beside her. She reached for it, pulled it open, and saw a note, with its printed cover. She couldn’t remember collecting a note from anyone. Feeling a bit relaxed, curious, she opened the note.

The first line says:

“When you are willing to try again, call me!”

Ezekiel 18: 20
“The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor does the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.”

(For Ezekiel 18:2–3 had set us free from Exodus 20:5)

“Could it be that we brought our sufferings upon ourselves and not my parents?”

She quit wondering and immediately flipped-open the next page.

Romans 8:1

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”

For we (baptized in the spirit and walking in it) have not received (together) the spirit of bondage again to fear (any predicament) Romans 8:15.

She was now, a bit settled. She thought of how Mary, her colleague in a former job had invited her over to the church and she always turned her down.

She said to herself over six times, “Could this be happening, for real?”

She slowly flipped over the last page and it said,

“In conclusion, certain things like bad habits or diseases can be passed down from one generation to another but we have no reason to be afraid because we are free, saved and therefore no longer under that bondage anymore (1 Corinthians 15:1–5).”

“All you have to do is believe it and stand firm in your liberty (Gal 5:1).”

Juliet believed and the words of God pierced her soul and she got born again.

Today, Juliet is a General manager of one of the companies she was fired from.

Her husband, Willy, came back home and they both lived happily till date…

Jesus can do more for you. Be bold. Believe in him. He won’t fail.

This story is published in Koinonia — stories to encourage, entertain, and empower you in your faith, food, fitness, family and fun.




"Nothing costs too much if its story is told right" • Storyteller • Writer • Poet • Lover of God🌴