When’s The Last Time You Hugged Your Children?

Every parent knows the day will come when they’ll pick up their child for the last time, but it doesn’t have to be that way with hugs

J.L. Pattison


Courtesy of Jordan Whitt via Unsplash

Have you hugged your kids today? I don’t mean hugged them, I mean really hugged them.

It doesn’t matter the relation. Biological, adopted, foster, or guardianship, the question remains the same: have you hugged your kids today?

Not like it’s an obligation and they’re an inconvenience, but like it’s an honor and they’re a blessing. And I’m not talking about the usual fleeting hugs you give them as you rush off to work, I’m talking about hugs that remain with them long after you’ve left.

Do you hug them with such singularly focused determination that they feel completely safe, loved beyond measure, and blissfully unaware of their own mortality? Hugs that help them rise above all the fears and insecurities that their little hearts secretly harbor?

Do you grip them so deeply that they feel nothing bad could befall them as long as they remain in your embrace? That they are sheltered from the chaos of a wicked world that’s gone mad around them?

Do you hug them so passionately that in your arms is the only place they want to…



J.L. Pattison

Called "A 21st Century Rod Serling," JL Pattison is the author of 4 books of contemporary speculative fiction for modern-day thought criminals. JLPattison.com