Who Are My Followers and Why Do They Follow Me

And who do I follow and why

Ida Adams


Personal photo — Solomons Maryland.

I remember my first follower. I was so excited!

The validation! I’ll always be grateful to him.

I don’t find him in my list of followers so he’s no longer around.

And I remember the first time I got a compliment that justified and solidified the way I write. He called my voice rare and original. Thank you, Moshe Forman

For months I would regularly check in on those initial followers. Read their posts. Then came more followers. I reciprocated. Was given the tip to check the followers of someone I followed. Follow some of those and see if they would follow me in turn.

No simple way of putting it!

Slowly, the whole thing got out of hand. Writers I followed started writing stuff I didn’t enjoy. Subject matter, language and more. No longer my cup of tea, so to speak. I stopped reading their work.

But I did not unfollow them. Being unfollowed hurts. And it’s no big effort on my part to simply ignore their posts.

I remember a tip from Tom Kuegler.

“Go back from time to…



Ida Adams

Hi there! I'm Ida. Christian, wife, and mom to three rescue dogs. I share lessons hidden in my messy, yet amazing journey. A dollop of humor now and then.