Why Did God Forsake Jesus on the Cross?

Staring into the separation between Father and Son

Kyle Davison Bair
Published in
5 min readApr 2, 2021


On the Cross, in the midst of His greatest agony, Jesus cried, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46, ESV).

Jesus could no longer hear the Father.

Much has been written about the Father forsaking Jesus. Often we consider the theology, the meaning, the message.

But let’s turn for a moment to the person being forsaken.

Jesus loved the Father. He loved nothing better than getting away to be with the Father, praying together, and enjoying their conversation. Jesus did nothing on His own, but only what the Father told Him to do. Jesus loved the Father more than anything.

But on the Cross, Jesus could no longer hear Him.

It is not the case that Father ceased to speak.

But at that moment, Jesus could no longer hear. He bore the full sins of all humanity, which blocked the voice of the Father.

Sin blocks the voice of God

When you are full of sin, you cannot hear from God. If you draw near to God while full of sin, it is agony, torment — hellish.



Kyle Davison Bair

Every honest question leads to God — as long as you follow it all the way to the answer. New books and articles published regularly at pastorkyle.substack.com