Why It’s So Incredibly Difficult to Say “Thank You”

You came out of the womb as an ungrateful, selfish human being

Ron Whitehead


Photo by Giftpundits.com from Pexels

It seems like yesterday that my wife and I were teaching our very young children the concept of saying, “thank you.”

You would think it would be pre-installed in these little human beings, but sadly, parents need to program gratitude into them. These little buggers come out of the womb as ungrateful, selfish human beings. Just a lot smaller.

Teach your children the art of gratitude

My children are all grown now, but remembering the frustration of trying to get them to say “thank you” whenever someone gave them a gift brings back some bad memories. We, as parents, are left embarrassed when the child refuses.

Don’t stress out too much. Stay the course, and eventually, it will click and become part of their character. Keep reminding them why they should give thanks.

Keep pointing them back to Jesus and His great sacrifice on the cross and how we should live our lives in gratitude.

Pray for them regularly



Ron Whitehead

Follower of Jesus — Husband — Father — Pastor