Why Keep Praying If God Is Not Healing?

It’s a crisis every Christian must face

Kyle Davison Bair


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Our God declares that He has the power of life and death. Jesus healed thousands. He gives us the awesome power and sacred responsibility to pray that this same God will heal people in our lives when they fall ill.

Yet, not everyone is healed.

We rejoice when God heals. But when He does not, we are prone to wonder why. When we pray more desperately than ever before, when God holds back healing, we wonder why we pray at all.

Why should we pray if God won’t answer?

God gave us prayer as a treasure house of never-ending gifts

But receiving the answers to our requests is only one small corner of this vast treasure hoard. God showers gifts on us through prayer whether or not He grants our requests.

When a loved one falls ill and we bring them before God in prayer, He lavishes treasure after treasure on us. But it’s up to us to open our hands and receive these treasures. If we focus solely on our request, we can miss these treasures entirely.

Let’s run our prayer for healing through the grid of the Lord’s Prayer. The treasures fall fast and free:

  • Prayer reorients your heart



Kyle Davison Bair

Every honest question leads to God — as long as you follow it all the way to the answer. New books and articles published regularly at pastorkyle.substack.com