Why My Map Is Better Than GPS

Mind your Ps and Cs

Donna Cowden


Author’s Photo

When I was young, I was an avid map reader. In those days, we did not have Garmin, Apple, or Samsung to assist us in our navigation. However, we did have the local American Automobile Association, which willingly supplied maps and Trip-Tiks at no charge to its members. Visiting AAA to pick up these traveling materials before a trip was routine.

Traditional maps have always been reliable with their manually marked guidance system. They would include highlighted areas currently under construction along with various alternate routes.

The Trip-Tik offered mile markers and rest stop locations along the way. It had spiral binding at the top to hold the pages together. Thinking back to how you would turn the pages forward when driving to your destination and then flip them backward on the return trip home now gives me a chuckle.

Anytime my family and I went on vacation or out of state, I was the map reader sitting in the backseat, giving directions to my dad, the driver. I was always excited to contribute to our family getaway by reading the map, and my parents enjoyed my participation in this way.

My current guidance system

Nowadays, I am still an avid map reader; however, my tools for guidance and direction are much…



Donna Cowden

Sharing the greatest love story in the history of the world: that of God with man and that of man with dog.