Why Wouldn’t God Make Two Identical Pebbles?

He is not lazy to give His full attention to each

Vytautas Ratkevičius


Do you know the most apparent difference between God and a human? God doesn’t like to clone, but we do. When you are in nature, look around. There is not a single object that has a copy. God could have made one model for the tree and copy it varying the size and direction. But He didn’t!

We like to align all floor tiles in a perfect pattern, put fence posts pointing straight up, and cut the hedge more horizontal than the horizon itself. The worst of it all is when the painting hangs tilted! It has to conform to the squareness of the wall.

Nothing God made is identical to something else. From human fingerprint designs to pebbles at the beach and snowflakes. If God had a difficult day and He didn’t feel like making all rocks look different, no one would be checking Him. I don’t have that much time to investigate all the stones at a nearby beach to see if God didn’t cheap out by making two stones look the same.

Actually, I don’t think I need to. The uniqueness of the creation points to a couple of fascinating truths about God’s character.

Countless creativity of the Creator



Vytautas Ratkevičius

Digital writer aiming to inspire and empower you to live more puposeful life.