Will the Red Heifer Sacrifice Take Place This Month?

The Jews and Arabs know the significance of the red heifer sacrifice — do the Christians?

Olive Wilson


Photo by Eric Brehm on Unsplash

Disclaimer: I am not advocating the slaughter of animals with this article but am merely reporting events in Israel. I will not respond to comments from animal rights activists or to anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Flawless heifers

On September 15, 2022, the arrival of five red, flawless heifers in Israel caused a stir. Flown from Texas, members of The Temple Institute received the cargo at Ben Gurion Airport with a low-key ceremony.

The animals have been kept in a secure location and guarded around the clock for the past 18 months. Three are now on display to the public at Shiloh, the site of the ancient Tabernacle.

Jewish perspective

The Temple Institute is dedicated to rebuilding the temple that once stood on the Temple Mount, the location of the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock today.

While the Israeli government has no plan to build a temple, many Jews believe that God Himself will bring the Third Temple. However, before that can happen, a flawless red heifer has to be sacrificed for the ashes to be used in a purification ritual.



Olive Wilson

From N. Ireland, currently in Cyprus. Passionate about photography, travel, languages, faith and creativity. Photos at https://olive30.picfair.com/