Will We See Our Pets in Heaven?

5+ reasons to have hope and confidence

Greg Longoria


Picture of Ranger by author

Have you ever lost a pet you loved with all your heart?

Have you felt the sharp pain of fear that you’ll never see him again?

He was your buddy.

Was by your side when others weren’t.

Was your friend when loneliness hurt.

And brought you peace as you buried your face into his soft fur.

Recently cancer robbed us of our nine-year-old dog, Ranger. Forced to put our beloved fur child to sleep humanely, I wondered if I’d ever see Ranger again.

If you’ve lost a beloved animal of any type, read on because I will give you at least five reasons why you should have hope and confidence that you’ll be reunited with your buddy.

Love hurts sometimes

Two weeks ago, we received the diagnosis of an aggressive form of cancer underneath Ranger’s spine. The evil wrapped itself around his nerve endings, causing him pain and a loss of movement.

Each short day we witnessed our loving, affectionate, happy buddy change before our eyes. Out of our love for Ranger, we acted humanely, releasing him, and giving him peace.



Greg Longoria

Entrepreneur. Encourager. I’m passionate about making wiser decisions and living a strategic and successful life.