Writing Bulletin Board Poetry

When fewer words are more meaningful

Lynne Collier


A neon sign that says, “This is the sign you’ve been looking for.”
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Live Like a Tree

Rooted firmly

Change with the seasons

Be someone’s shelter

Welcome guests

Be flexible

Nurture nature

Reach for the light

Live like a tree.

~ Lynne Collier

I’m working my way through Robert Lee Brewer’s book Smash Poetry Journal.*

Today’s prompt was to write a poem about a bulletin board, with phrases you’d pin on a corkboard, stick on a fridge, or words of affirmation.

I chose the phrases to reflect my life as a Christ follower and remind myself to be like a tree in my faith. Each line is a bulletin.

Lynne's Poetry

*(I’m an Amazon affiliate and earn a small commission for book sales at no additional cost to the buyer).



Lynne Collier

Writer of stories and poetry. Christ follower. Yorkshire lass living in Ontario. Loves nature and gardening. https://lynnecollier.com/my-books/