You Don’t Have to Know What Comes Next

What Jesus can teach you about finding opportunity.

Kyle Chastain


Photo by James Scott on Unsplash

What do I do now?

I’m guessing you’ve asked that question before in some form or another.

Things didn’t go the way you thought they would — for better or for worse. Maybe you know where you want to go, but your internal GPS is on the fritz and you can’t get the directions you need.

You feel lost, afraid, and overwhelmed, and you wonder what you should do next. You’ve prayed but received no clear answer. You’ll drive yourself crazy by overthinking it. So what can you do?

When you don’t have a clear path forward, maximize what you have in front of you.

Count your bags before your blessings

In the New Testament, Jesus gives a parable about a rich man who went on a journey. He left his servants with bags of gold. He entrusted the gold to each servant based on their ability to manage it.

You might be familiar with the story. The master in Jesus’ parable gave:

  • the first servant five bags of gold which the servant invested and gained five more for a total of ten
  • the second servant two bags which the servant invested and gained two more for a total…



Kyle Chastain

On a mission to become a better writer and storyteller | Building my "Insight" newsletter to 10k+ | Create the life you want: