You Have a Future That Is Filled With Hope

It is a guarantee for every child of God

Ron Whitehead


Have you ever been given “good news” by someone, only to wonder how that was “good news” to you? Sometimes, the biblical prophets were famous for doing this, and we scratch our heads and wonder why we cannot make the connection. One of the most well-known verses in the book of Jeremiah does this very thing.

The Hebrew people living in Israel around 600 years before Jesus came were facing some challenging days. Babylon, under King Nebuchadnezzar, was a world power, and they were not friendly toward the Jews. They were capturing much of the world, and Israel was next.

It didn’t have to be if the Jews had listened to God’s Word through God’s prophets and turned back to Him, but they were too interested in living their lives according to their desires. Sure, they would go to the synagogue each weekend and go through the motions of being spiritual, but both they and God knew that it was just a farce.

Around the year 597 BC, the Babylonians came down and captured about 3,000 people. Many were high-ranking officials, including the King. Daniel and his three friends either were included in this, or they would be in the not too distant future. There would be more blitzes into Israel, and eventually, most people would be taken as slaves…



Ron Whitehead

Follower of Jesus — Husband — Father — Pastor