Koinos Group Updates Match Offer

Koinos Marketing
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2024


Yesterday we announced that Koinos Group has agreed to match all donations made for our upcoming exchange listing and we have now acquired over 91,000 KOIN and over $13,000 USDT in donations! Follow the progress here: https://koinfunder.surge.sh/.

Thank you all for contributing. You rock!

Match Improvement

Since the community has been so generous with its KOIN, Koinos Group has stepped up again and offered to adjust its match based on whatever asset is necessary.

So if people would prefer to keep donating in KOIN, then they should keep doing that!

Whatever Koinos Group does not have to match on the KOIN side, it will move over to the USDT side and increase its match accordingly. As of this moment, that means all we have to do is raise another 60K of USDT value.

That means we only 25% left to go!

Also, if more KOIN is raised than needed, Koinos Group will provide the necessary USDT without having to sell KOIN on the market.

So let’s do this!

In case you missed the original announcement:


The listing offer is for $80K USDT and $160K in KOIN.

Donation Addresses

Koinos Group has agreed to manage the following addresses on behalf of the community:

KOIN can be sent to this address: 12nsKze79DPLEZafo5YG5Wag5fCRUHyh52

USDT on Ethereum or BSC/BNB Chain can be sent to this address: 0x37A4F5EC2d2B1715E5E93e0A90b3eB0eE533dA70


The Koinos Community Exchange Listing Group

