Koinos Marketing Update

Koinos Marketing
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2024

Koinos has great technology, but the best technology in the world isn’t of much use if no one has heard of it. That’s why we formed a Community Marketing Group; to work together to spread awareness of Koinos to the masses. In this post, we want to update you, the Koinos community (or “Kommunity” ;) ) on our progress.

Building the foundation

We started by bringing on Rhubarb Media, an established marketing firm spanning both the Web2 and Web3 space, known for its work on Kaspa, PIVX and other blockchain projects. You can read the press release here.

For the past 3 months we have been working closely with Rhubarb to build out a marketing strategy that aligns with our values and strengths. In the past our approach to marketing has been inconsistent, so we felt it was important to focus first on a solid marketing foundation for Koinos.

Much of that work has been behind the scenes, though that doesn’t mean you haven’t seen it in Koinos Podcast episodes, promotional videos for applications and products, social media posts, and news updates. Rhubarb has also spent a great deal of effort on organizational spreadsheets and documents which are helping us coordinate our efforts to maximize our impact.

If you haven’t seen it already, check out this awesome promotional video for Lords Forsaken created by Rhubarb:

Marketing a product is never a simple process and the fact that we are truly decentralized only makes things more complicated. There is no magic wand or rather, the magic wand is figuring out how to use our decentralization to our advantage.

Rhubarb Media has been a huge help by providing high-level guidance and compelling digital assets, but we need your help too!


One of the things we’ve been working on is a Key Messaging document to help ensure that all communications are consistent and effectively articulate the unique value proposition of Koinos. This document is crucial because it ensures that whether we’re talking about Koinos on social media, with an influencer, or in our own personal networks, we’re all being consistent and compelling.

You can view that document here. Feel free to add feedback directly to the document as comments.

It’s all about creating a coherent and powerful narrative that resonates with our audience.

The Future

Going forward, our marketing efforts will start to become more visible and we will have more documents to share and receive feedback on. You have already seen some of this with the announcement of the Koinos Accelerator and the ongoing launch of Lords Forsaken (the pre-sale is still live so be sure to get your Alpha packs at lordsforsaken.com!).

We firmly believe that our strongest marketing weapon will be all the amazing applications that we expect to launch on Koinos in the next year, and we want to be prepared to maximize their success!

We will be sharing more details about that in the future, along with how you can help, but today we want to focus your attention on the Key Messaging document. The purpose of this document is to provide us with a tool we can all use to get more people excited about Koinos.

We’d love to get your feedback. Is there anything you think is missing? Is there something you’ve been telling people to get them excited about Koinos that isn’t in the document?

Don’t Wait!

You can start experimenting with these messages today! Let us know what works and what doesn’t!

Feel free to tweet out your suggestions with the hashtag #KoinosMarketing. Koinos is all about transparency so we shouldn’t be afraid to share our constructive feedback in public. Plus, more content is never a bad thing!


The Marketing Group

