US & Canada Exchange Listing!

Koinos Marketing
Koinos Network
Published in
May 30, 2024

Kommunity! We are excited to announce another “bonus” listing; Biconomy!

Biconomy is ranked #31 on CoinMarketCap, but as was the case with LCX, this is STILL not the larger exchange for which we collected funds. This listing and integration was funded entirely by Koinos Group. They wanted to support this listing because Biconomy can legally operate in both US & Canada!

As we explained in our last update, crypto is going “hyper-local.” We chose LCX to make KOIN accessible to Europeans, and now Biconomy will make KOIN accessible to US and Canadian customers (with KYC).

The “Big” Listing

As you can see the work we’ve been doing to get Koinos listed on more exchanges is starting to bear fruit, so you can expect more updates in the near future, including an update on a Tier 2 listing.

So stay tuned!

