Kokën Club Empowers DAO Contributors with NFTs

Koken Club
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2022

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are part of the Web3 infrastructure that enables distributed and efficient governance by leveraging blockchain’s programmability.

In particular, open-source, community-driven DAOs rely on the talent of core contributors and the active engagement of other members to succeed.

We want to recognize past contributions and provide additional incentives to participate in the future. If you’ve voted on Snapshot, you can claim your Kokëns here.

Introducing Kokën Club (V1)

Kokën Club automatically imports your voting and proposal histories from Snapshot and calculates your Experience Points (XP). XP translates into claimable Kokën, which are botanical-themed NFTs representing your input to DAO governance and follow your growth trajectory as a contributor.

Contributors can level up by voting more frequently or submitting proposals in DAOs to earn higher-level Kokëns. In V1, there are three levels: seeds, sprouts, and saplings, each with different but sequential art.

Seed (left), sprout (middle), sapling (right)

Users’ Kokën galleries will conveniently visualize their contribution histories in DAOs.

Potential Roadmap

In future versions, we hope to include user contributions across channels, such as on-chain voting, Discourse activities, Twitter content, etc. and create more variations in art and contributor levels.

We would love to explore making Kokën Club not only for individuals but also for DAOs to manage their contributors and for the general public to view others’ on-chain profiles. The vision is for Kokën Club to grow into a super-charged NFT credential network that is cross-platform and thrives on both on-chain and off-chain data.


Kokën Club is part of the Tally DAO tooling universe.


For more information and updates on Kokën Club, check out Twitter, Discord, and Website. We welcome any feedback, partnership, contribution, or general thoughts. Please don’t hesitate to reach out!

For more information and updates on Tally, check out Twitter, Discord, and Website.

And, of course, you can claim your Kokëns at koken.club!

