Stress busting travel tunes

The aeroplane edition

Kokoon Collection


Whether you’re a regular on the red eye, a seasoned traveller or just a casual holiday goer, travelling by air can be an extremely stressful experience. However, a simple playlist could be the stress-busting solution you’ve been looking for. Research has suggested that listening to music is an effective way to reduce stress. Studies have shown stress induced problems such as anxiety and a rise in heart rate and blood pressure to be prevented by exposure to music.

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Songs with a beat per minute close to 60 are the best choice. Breathing in time to music with a low beat per minute with headphones on and eyes closed can lower both heart rate and blood pressure thus reducing stress and anxiety. It is also recommended to listen to tracks that stimulate both sides of the brain — the logical left and emotional right as this helps to further reduce anxious feelings.

Below are some of our most comforting, stress relieving music choices for flying. If you want to hear more, you can check out Kokoons Spotify playlist. We’d also love to hear your suggestions in the comments section below and so we can add them in.

Six etudes for piano — q = 108 — Philip Glass and Bruce Brubaker

The perfect take off companion. The slow steady, arpeggio which repeats through the piece will help keep your heart rate down and encourage relaxation. It’s a piece to help you escape, requiring enough thought to distract you but not so much that you become agitated. So sit back and let the music guide you through the rest of your journey.

On the road again — Willie Nelson

A sentiment that may resonate with a few of you. Aptly written during a flight, this uptempo country classic will keep you toe tapping through the most shakey of turbulence.

Arrival of the birds -London Metropolitan Orchestra

One for when you’re looking out of the window, flying through the blue abyss, observing the changing landscape and appreciating just how cool our planet really is.

I’ve been everywhere — Johnny Cash

Because once you’ve boarded your fourth flight of the month, it’s hard not to feel this way.

Space Oddity — David Bowie

A true headphone moment. Close your eyes and let Major Tom transport you.

Time after time — Chet Baker

One to get the heart rate down. This lovely, gentle piece of jazz is like a warm, inviting hug on those cold, hard aeroplane seats. Sit back and relax.

Home — Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

An uplifting, punchy little pop tune. From the opening bars through to the catchy chorus, be prepared for it to stick around. While not the best option for slowing down your heart rate, it will add a bit of pep to the travel proceedings and sometimes that’s just what you need.

