Exploring the Japanese Underground Music Scene with Kaala Music

Amélie Geeraert
Kokoro Media
Published in
11 min readFeb 27, 2024


Photo credit: Chris Granum

In February 2022, I had the pleasure to interview Matt Ketchum from Akiya & Inaka, and he shared his expertise on vacant houses in Japan. During the course of that conversation, he mentioned his passion and involvement with the Japanese underground music scene, and drew some unexpected parallels with the vacant houses problem.

The Japanese underground scene is hard to access for the neophyte, which is one of the reasons why Matt and his long-time friend Chris decided to build Kaala Music, a service designed to help bands who would like to tour Japan, as well as fans who would like to dip their toes in that rich music ecosystem.

Read on to learn what makes the underground scene difficult to access for first-timers, the difficulties foreign bands may encounter while touring Japan, and the solutions Kaala Music offers to provide enjoyable music trips for bands and audiences alike.

The Difficulties of Entering the Japanese Underground Music Scene

My impression is that the Japanese underground music scene is difficult to discover if you’re not invited by friends who already know the places to go or play. How did you start exploring that scene, and what keeps you drawn to it?



Amélie Geeraert
Kokoro Media

Living in Japan since 2011. I love interviewing inspiring people.