Writing a JIT compiler in Golang

Sidhartha Mani
Published in
7 min readDec 25, 2017

TL;DR A simple JIT compiler in golang. Scroll down to bottom for working code.

A JIT compiler (Just-in-Time) is any program that runs machine code generated during runtime. The difference between JIT code and other code (eg. fmt.Println) is that the JIT code is generated at runtime.

Programs written in Golang are statically typed, and compiled ahead of time. It might seem impossible to generate arbitrary code, let alone execute said code. However, it is possible to emit instructions into a running go process. This is done using Type Magic — the ability to convert any type to any other type.

As a side note, If you’re interested in hearing more about Type Magic, please leave a comment below and I’ll write about it next.

Generating Code for x64

Machine code is a sequence of bytes that have a special meaning to the processor. The machine used to write this blog and test out the code uses a x64 processor, therefore I’ve used the x64 instruction set.

This code will not run unless you’re running it on a x64 processor.

Generating x64 code to print "Hello World!"

In order to print “Hello World” , a syscall should be made to instruct the processor to print data. The syscall to print data is write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count).

The first parameter to this syscall is the location to write to, represented as a file descriptor. Printing output to the console is achieved by writing to the standard file descriptor called stdout. The file descriptor number for stdout is 1.

The second parameter is the location of the data that must be written. More information on this is provided in the next section.

The third operand is count — i.e. the number of bytes to write. In the case of “Hello World!”, the number of bytes to write is 12. In order to make the syscall, the three operands need to be saved in particular registers. Here’s a table showing the registers to save the operands in.

| Syscall #| Param 1| Param 2| Param 3| Param 4| Param 5| Param 6|
| rax | rdi | rsi | rdx | r10 | r8 | r9 |

Putting all of this together, here’s a sequence of bytes that represent the instructions to initialize some of the registers.

0:  48 c7 c0 01 00 00 00    mov    rax,0x1 
7: 48 c7 c7 01 00 00 00 mov rdi,0x1
e: 48 c7 c2 0c 00 00 00 mov rdx,0xc
  • The first instruction sets rax to 1 — to denote the write syscall.
  • The second instruction sets rdi to 1 — to denote the file descriptor for stdout
  • The third instruction sets rdx to 12 to denote the number of bytes to print.
  • Location of the data is missing, and so is the actual call to write

In order to specify the location of data containing “Hello World!”, the data needs to have a location first — i.e. it needs to be stored somewhere in memory.

The byte sequence representing “Hello World!” is 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 21. This should be stored in a location where the processor will not try to execute it. Otherwise, the program will throw a segmentation fault error.

In this case, the data can be stored at the end of the executable instructions — i.e. after a return instruction. It is safe to store data after the return instruction because the processor "jumps" to a different address on encountering return and will not execute sequentially anymore.

Since the address past return is not known until the return instruction is laid out, a temporary place holder for it can be used and then replaced with the correct address once the address of the data is known. This is the exact procedure followed by linkers. The process of linking simply fills out these addresses to point to the correct data or function.

15: 48 8d 35 00 00 00 00    lea    rsi,[rip+0x0]      # 0x15
1c: 0f 05 syscall
1e: c3 ret

In the above code, the lea instruction to load the address of “Hello World!” is pointing to itself (to a location that is 0 bytes away from rip). This is because the data has not been stored yet and the address of the data is not known.

The syscall itself is represented by the byte sequence 0F 05.

The data can now be stored, since the return instruction has been laid out.

1f: 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 21   // Hello World!

With the whole program laid out, now we can update the lea instruction to point to the data. Here’s the updated code:

0:  48 c7 c0 01 00 00 00    mov    rax,0x1
7: 48 c7 c7 01 00 00 00 mov rdi,0x1
e: 48 c7 c2 0c 00 00 00 mov rdx,0xc
15: 48 8d 35 03 00 00 00 lea rsi,[rip+0x3] # 0x1f
1c: 0f 05 syscall
1e: c3 ret
1f: 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 21 // Hello World!

The above code can be represented as a slice of any primitive type in Golang.

A array/slice of uint16 is a great choice because it can hold pairs of little-endian ordered words while still remaining readable. Here’s the []uint16 data structure holding the above program

printFunction := []uint16{
0x48c7, 0xc001, 0x0, // mov %rax,$0x1
0x48, 0xc7c7, 0x100, 0x0, // mov %rdi,$0x1
0x48c7, 0xc20c, 0x0, // mov 0x13, %rdx
0x48, 0x8d35, 0x400, 0x0, // lea 0x4(%rip), %rsi
0xf05, // syscall
0xc3cc, // ret
0x4865, 0x6c6c, 0x6f20, // Hello_(whitespace)
0x576f, 0x726c, 0x6421, 0xa, // World!

There is a slight deviation in the above bytes when compared to the bytes laid out above. This is because it is cleaner(easier to read and debug) to represent the data “Hello World!” when it is aligned to the start of a slice entry.

Therefore, I used the filler instruction cc instruction (no-op) to push the start of the data section to the next entry in the slice. I have also updated the lea to point to a location 4 bytes away to reflect this change.

Note: You can find the syscall numbers for various syscalls at this link.

Converting Slice to function

The instructions in the []uint16 data structure has to be converted into a function so that it can be called. The code below demonstrates this conversion.

type printFunc func()unsafePrintFunc := (uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&printFunction)) 
printer := *(*printFunc)(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafePrintFunc))

A Golang function value is just a pointer to a C function pointer (notice two levels of pointers). The conversion from slice to function begins by first extracting a pointer to the data structure which holds the executable code. This is stored in unsafePrintFunc. The pointer to unsafePrintFunc can be typecast into the desired function type.

This approach only works for functions without arguments or return values. A stack frame needs to be created for calling functions with arguments or return values. The function definition should always start with instructions to dynamically allocate the stack frame to support variadic functions. More information about different function types are available here.

If you’d like me to write about generating more complex functions in Golang, please comment below.

Making the function executable

The above function will not actually run. This is because Golang stores all data structures in the data section of the binary. The data in this section has the No-Execute flag set on it, preventing it from being executed.

The data in the printFunction slice needs to be stored in a piece of memory that is executable. This can be achieved by either removing the No-Execute flag on the printFunction slice or by copying it to a location of memory that is executable.

In the code below, the data has been copied to a newly allocated piece of memory (using mmap) that is executable. This approach is preferable since setting the no-execute flag is only possible on entire pages — it is easily possible to unintentionally make other portions of the data section executable.

executablePrintFunc, err := syscall.Mmap(
syscall.PROT_READ | syscall.PROT_WRITE | syscall.PROT_EXEC,
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("mmap err: %v", err)
j := 0
for i := range printFunction {
executablePrintFunc[j] = byte(printFunction[i] >> 8)
executablePrintFunc[j+1] = byte(printFunction[i])
j = j + 2

The flag syscall.PROT_EXEC ensures that the newly allocated memory addresses are executable. Converting this data structure into a function will make it run smoothly. Here’s the complete code, which you can try out on your x64 machine.

package mainimport (
type printFunc func()func main() {
printFunction := []uint16{
0x48c7, 0xc001, 0x0, // mov %rax,$0x1
0x48, 0xc7c7, 0x100, 0x0, // mov %rdi,$0x1
0x48c7, 0xc20c, 0x0, // mov 0x13, %rdx
0x48, 0x8d35, 0x400, 0x0, // lea 0x4(%rip), %rsi
0xf05, // syscall
0xc3cc, // ret
0x4865, 0x6c6c, 0x6f20, // Hello_(whitespace)
0x576f, 0x726c, 0x6421, 0xa, // World!
executablePrintFunc, err := syscall.Mmap(
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("mmap err: %v", err)
j := 0
for i := range printFunction {
executablePrintFunc[j] = byte(printFunction[i] >> 8)
executablePrintFunc[j+1] = byte(printFunction[i])
j = j + 2
type printFunc func()
unsafePrintFunc := (uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&executablePrintFunc))
printer := *(*printFunc)(unsafe.Pointer(&unsafePrintFunc))


Try out the source code above. Stay tuned for more deep dives into Golang!

