Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Methodologies in Regenerative Finance

Announcing Report: Web3 Pathways for Nature-based Environmental Asset Production

Curve Labs
2 min readMay 17, 2023


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In collaboration with Kolektivo, Curve Labs has published a research report on the actors and methods for measurement, reporting, and verification in the context of Web3 Regenerative Finance.

One cannot prove the unmeasured. For projects that aim to achieve environmental impact, measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) is fundamental to the legitimacy of their operations and the environmental assets that they may produce.

Historically, MRV processes for the production of environmental assets — such as carbon offsets — have been centralized in the hands of large organizations such as Verra or Gold Standard. The methodologies that they impose on landholders are costly and time-consuming, setting criteria that exclude many and artificially delimiting the potential for market expansion.

Example report infographic.

Regenerative Finance (ReFi) is a Web3 movement that aims to support or initiate a positive social or environmental impact. In the past few years, ReFi has been pursuing alternative avenues to conduct MRV at scale, leveraging new technologies such as public blockchains. These new technologies create, expand, and improve opportunities for the production and exchange of environmental assets.

In collaboration with Kolektivo, Curve Labs announces the publication of a research report detailing the place that MRV occupies within ReFi. Our hope is to support and offer ReFi builders and enthusiasts crucial understanding of the “MRV-ReFi” ecosystem by exploring its key players and relevant primitives.

→ Access the report


Outside of the allotted review and comment period, certain parties requested more recent updates for their respective projects. We were not able to accommodate these changes within the report. Their updates are included below:


A Carbon Oracle developed by IXO is now in production and implemented through the Emerging application platform. This oracle uses Causal AI to evaluate Carbon Emission Reduction claims, following the Gold Standard Methodology for Metered and Measured Energy Cooking Devices. This evaluates claims of renewable biomass cooking fuel sales, based on validated mobile money purchase transaction records, and correlates this with cooking activity data generated by IoT sensors in the cookstove devices. On approval, digital certificates are issued in the form of W3C standard Verifiable Credentials are published to IPFS.

About Curve Labs …

Curve Labs is a Web3 innovation lab based in Berlin, Germany.

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About Kolektivo …

Kolektivo is a Web3 Framework for local communities to launch, govern and maintain their own regenerative economies.

Website | Blog | Kolektivo Curaçao



Curve Labs

Architecting distributed solutions for the future economy 🥼