YGGSEA AMA Recap from December 22nd, 2021

Published in
12 min readDec 24, 2021

Hey Kollectors!

We’d like to thank you for your participation in YGGSEA AMA in Kollect’s Telegram Community Channel on December 22nd, 9 AM UTC. For those that weren’t able to make it to the AMA, please find the recap and synopsis below!

AMA Structure

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Questions acquired from Twitter (5 Questions)

  • Selected winners/questions receive USDT (20 USDT Ea.)







Part 3. Live questions (5 Questions)

  • Selected winners/questions receive USDT(20 USDT Ea.)



2. @Ewa_Charles_64

3. @CindyShores1990

4. @DeliciaFields

5. @anakinra2007


Part 1

Kollect Admin: Hello Kollectors! We are pleased to announce the AMA with YGGSEA today!

I’d like to introduce you guys to Dan, the Head of Investment of YGGSEA and Irene, the Co-Founder and Indonesia Country Manager of YGGSEA! Dan and Irene will be answering our questions today so make sure you guys pay special attention and jot down any questions you may have! As shown in our format, we will select a few questions at the end of our AMA in which users chosen will also receive 20 USDT each as a reward.

Are you ready for Today’s AMA, Dan and Irene!?

Dan: Irene! And I are ready! :)

Kollect Admin: Let’s start! Please give a brief introduction about yourself!

Dan: Hi all, my name is Dan, I was formerly the head of operation at Riot China, and head of international publishing and global expansion at Riot Games. Currently I lead investments for YGG SEA, the first subDAO of YGG focused on the southeast Asian community and region!

Irene: Hello, my name is Irene,i was formerly in the world of corporate finance and then move over to the more exciting part of a VC — investing in games. Currently am a co-founder n country manager for YGG SEA!
excited to be here

Kollect Admin: That’s awesome! Can you introduce YGGSEA to the community!? What’s YGGSEA!?

Irene: Certainly! YGG SEA is the first subDAO of YGG that focussed on the south east asian gaming community and region.

We are here to be close to the community as we understand the diversed culture, language of the region. Other than that, by being in the region, we are also building networks within the ecosystem as the laying foundation to grow the block chain play to earn games 😊

Dan: We are for the scholars and by the scholars of Southeast Asia and so we are forging deep partnerships in the region to help provide a voice to our scholars!

Irene: in more details….

By Having a SubDAO in the region will:
- Get us closer to the community on the ground and enable us to embrace diversity (with different languages and culture). Scholars are not just numbers, there is a human being behind YGG Scholar ID and so, by having subdao and country manager (read: presence) in each location, it is vital to foster a good positive community.
- Other than the scholars, we are also on the ground in each country to be close to the game developers in these countries (many talents), partners (exchangers, regulators and corporations).
- Enable those who want to have exposure to South East Asia to be a part of our SubDAO! Afterall, there is rumours going around that SEA is gonna be the next economy powerhouse!

YGG SEA aims to target other underserved Southeast Asian markets through bringing localized operations to better grow and invest locally into the Southeast Asian community. Our mission is to create the biggest and most sustainable play-to-earn virtual economy in Southeast Asia. YGG SEA is also a founding member of the Asia Blockchain Gaming Alliance btw 😊

Kollect Admin: What sets you apart from other guilds, what is YGG’s greatest strengths?

Irene: our greatest strength is in our HEART and LOVE 😊

On a serious note, YGG & YGG SEA — in the way we operated, we have always have inclusivity in mind. We lower the barrier to entry for P2E gamers — making it accessible for everyone (regardless of their financial background). EVERYONE can enter the YGG SEA metaverse and play to earn money.

Our grassroot approach by having local operations in each country, operating with deep understanding of the diversed culture and language is another strength that we have. In Indonesia for example, majority of the population (280mn people) do not speak english! So to include them into the P2E space, we have in country operation to translate everyhting to bahasa.

Separately, we also form partnerships with various parties like
- University to help them understand that game and education can co-exist. and with YGG SEA, we are giving students the option to pay their tuition from earnings through playinG! One of the local univ called our scholarship Academic scholarship!
- Government to help them understand what P2E and crypto is
- and many more!

Dan: Oh wow, this is a great question! YGG is unique in many ways, but the most glaring difference is 1) our subDAO regional focus. And 2) our long term goal of taking no revenue split from the players.

  1. All the other guilds take a one-gamer-fits-all approach. They centralize decision making and average out the needs and opinions of globally. They don’t realize that guilds and gamers are an inherently local creation, representing local culture, local taste, local languages, and local play styles. Gamers in different regions simply prefer different games and have different needs. By not creating subDAOs to support and represent these local gamers, other guilds are minimizing the individual needs of communities of gamers from around the world.
  2. We already provide the more generous split between guild and players, and our long term goal is to make sure our scholars receive the maximum earn from their time spent in game. We don’t want to monetize our scholars, we want to transfer all that opportunity to them. We will accomplish this by leveraging the assets and relationships with game studios to provide the most lucrative earning opportunities for our scholars!

Part 2

Kollect Admin: Thank you for the introduction to YGGSEA! Let’s move on to part 2! We have selected 5 questions from the community prior to the AMA. Dan and Irene, Are you guys ready for Part 2?

Dan: Yes we are!

Irene: Bring it on :)

Kollect Admin: Okay, so the first question is from on @AndyToshi_cryp on Twitter. “Being the first of it’s kind, What are the importance of Subdao ? Won’t it do the same as the YGG ? What benefits do SEA region can get from this ??”

Irene:great question @andyToshi! Thank you

SubDAO enable us to penetrate deep into each market, each country, each community. Behind each scholar/gamer — its not just an avatar, or just a screen name. There are humans behind it and by having a subdao, it allows us to be closer to each of the scholar at a human level. We speak their language, we understand their culture and therefore, we can grow the community rapidly.

Other than that, it also enable us to engage in strategic conversations with strategic stakeholders who are otherwise, foreign to the crypto and play to earn space. I call it crypto inclusion.

Many of our scholars do not have a bank account. The moment they enter into the YGG SEA metaverse, their first ever digital wallet isnt a bank account or internet banking. its ronin / metamask wallet!

and some of our strategic partners, have been looking at crypto on the sidelines wanting to come in but its too foreign for many. They moment, we have conversation with them, we could open up a whole new world in a friendly manner.

Such things cant be done remotely or via zoom…

The focus that each SubDAO has on each region means efforts are done in parallel and just imagine the impacts it would have 😊

Kollect Admin: (Question #2) The second question is from @HHbead00 on Twitter. “What is the biggest meaning of the partnership between YGG SEA and Kollect? Can I participate in Kollect with no upfront cost through YGG SEA?”

Irene: This AMA for example, is one of the meaningful discussion that we have given our partnership 😊

its tough to pin point the biggest because there are so many of them. If I am to pick up it would be the collaboration that could happen through the partnership. Kollect has an amazing set of community who also loves NFTs and P2E games

I remember you shared that Kollect’s vision is to become the hub for NFT collectibles and play-to-earn games.

Yet not everyone can own an NFT collection or enter into the P2E games. with YGG SEA, you dont have to own them immediately but you can start earning money through YGG SEA scholarship, save up and start collecting 😊

Dan: Ooo smart question… while we can’t reveal details, you can tell that by partnering together, YGG SEA can help bring some of the greatest SEA developed or SEA games to the Kollect community! We have deep and early engagement with the studios and this way Kollect and the Kollect community will have an early seat at the table!

Kollect Admin: (Question #3) The third question is from @cudosinichi9 on Twitter. “How many members can have the YGG members badge ? can anyone mint it as much as they want ? What are the perks and value it bring to YGG SEA community ? do I get any benefits for holding the badge other than just a member ?”

Irene:the YGG SEA Badge serves like a passport into the YGG SEA metaverse. It is non transferable and one wallet can only have 1 badge. There are tonnes of utilities attached to the badge other than just a badge or identity that is to be revealed in due course.

A few that I could share are:
Anyone that mints a badge and gets a role in discord will be Eligible for access into a private room in our discord that will have special quarterly AMA’s and seasonal promotional giveaway contests. (and many many more 😊)

So if you havent minted your badge, make sure you do so !

Kollect Admin: (Question #4) The fourth question is from @hanny301301 on Twitter. “Yield Guild Games is known as a decentralized autonomous organization that acquires and manages NFTs. I am curious about the motivation and ultimate goal of launching such a project.”

Dan: Hmm, I think we mentioned above… but to go deeper, we aim to empower gamers worldwide to make gaming a viable career option! There’s like 2billion gamers in the world, and only 30k professional gamers. With the coming of Web3 and Play to earn, we are able to bring economic opportunities to gamers that can match or exceed existing options. Our vision is a world where people and do and play what they love, and be able to provide for themselves and their loved ones by playing games.

Kollect Admin: (Question #5) The last question is from @fishermanfaces on Twitter!

What’s the use case of YGG Token!?

Irene: YGG SEA is yet to launch our token (but psst… it is gonna happen very very soon)

The token will be like an index fund of P2E and blockchain game space. YGG SEA as a guild, we do invest in many P2E tokens and game assets to enable our scholars to play the games. So for those who are busy, people who want to enter into P2E space but is overwhelmed with the numerous projects popping up and perhaps have limited access / capital / means to enter into so many projects. we understand it can be overwhelming.

In most of the games that we invest in, we usually come in at a pretty early stage. So as these assets proceed to IDO etc, the value of such assets grow too.

In addition, these invested assets do not just sit idle. They are given to scholars to help them make a living and at the same time, generate returns on our assets. This is a true definition of PROFIT & PURPOSE! — economic and social impact goes hand in hand for both our token holders and community

Secondly, we get a lot of these questions: oh i am not asian, so i cant be a part of this? It is actually the exact opposite. There are so many people in the world who want to diversify their portfolio, have exposure to (a) the SEA region, (b) in crypto space and (c ) in gaming! We offer the best of all three!

Part 3

Kollect Admin: That was our last question for Part 2! Now it’s time for part 3! The communities are going to ask you live questions for 90 seconds. Kollectors, Are you ready?

Dan: Yea:) Oh goodnes… Ready for the flood

Kollect Admin:The Live question session starts in 3,2,1, Go!

After 90 seconds

Kollect Admin: Alright, Time’s up! Thank you Kollectors for all the questions!

Dan and Irene! Please pick 5 best questions and answer them :)

Current NFT is a hot topic, but are NFT not just for art. Does your project think that more real world use cases will emerge for NFTs as time goes on, why should we take NFTs seriously?

Dan: This one first! I think it’s become clear that NFTs are a good way to give digital rights and ownership to individuals worldwide. Now, gamers can actually own and monetize the time they spend playing and building in game! NFTs are here to stay and will increasingly become a normal part of every day Web3 life!

Kollect Admin: 4 Questions Left

Trust is very important in business, what makes investors, customers and users feel safe when working with your project ?

Dan: We absolutely agree. We are working with multiple audit partners to ensure that our DAO, our tokens, and our community members and scholars are safe and secure when they join our ecosystem. We will be announcing our audit partners in the coming weeks so stay tuned!

Kollect Admin: 3 Questions Left

Are you planning to promote your project in countries / regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project??

Irene: Cindy! my good friend is called cindy too! Nice name.

Thats a very good question. We are and we DO actually!

so YGG SEA — as the name suggests, is focussed on South East Asia region. currently (within a month +, we officially started on Nov 1st) we have local presence in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. Vietnam will be next in line. In each of these country, we have a dedicated discord subchannel that does everything in local language. Even the application forms are in local language!

In addition, as mentioned earlier, many of our community are also not crypto native. so we are doing CRYPTO INCLUSION by guiding everyone on how to open an exchanger account (many dun have have a bank account to start with and we made it possible by education. In Indonesia, in fact, we have formed a partnershpi with the largest crypto exchange and their customer support is sitting in our discord channel to help support everyone!)

Kollect Admin: 2 Questions Left

What are plans in for global expansion? Are you focusing on market at this time or focus on building and developing or getting customers and users, or partnerships?

Dan: YGGSEA is the first subDAO of YGG! We intend on creating a subDAO for each major region to best represent gamer interests worldwide. Recently YGG India just launched, as well and you’ll see our next subDAO announcements soon!

Kollect Admin: 1 Questions Left

Where can we explore more info about YGGSEA? Can you share us the link to join your discord?

Irene: Certainly,

Discord: https://discord.gg/6gzyPEUWCZ
Twitter and Telegram: @yggsea

Kollect Admin: All of 5 live questions are answered! Thank you Dan and Irene! Did you have a great time today!?


Kollect Admin: Alright. Thank you for your time, Dan and Irene!

Irene: have an FANTABULOUS TIME. fantastic and fabulous
you guys have an amazing community. thank you so much for having us here.
been realllllllll fun

Dan: Thank you sooo much

Kollect Admin: Alright. Thank you for your time, Dan and Irene! Kollect AMA has officially ended. Thank you to all kollectors who participated in the AMA today!

About Kollect

Kollect is a gamified collection card platform for any branded IPs. Its Collection Book system Kollect.book has a unique built-in play-to-earn feature, allowing users to strategically stake their cards in different collection books to maximize their rewards. Kollect.book enables flexible gamification of collecting activities. The games published by Kollect through Kollect.game are where users can put their collected NFT cards into real actions. Each of the branded IPs can have their own games and in-game currency. The first game in the Kollect ecosystem will be a play-to-earn battle card game with PvP and PvE combat modes. Kollect envisions to become the hub for NFT collectibles and play-to-earn games.

Official Links

Website / Twitter / Telegram / Medium

About Yield Guild Games

Yield Guild Games (YGG) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) for investing in non-fungible tokens (NFTs) used in virtual worlds and blockchain-based games. The organization’s mission is to create the biggest virtual world economy, optimizing their community-owned assets for maximum utility and sharing profits with their token holders.

Official Links

Website / Twitter / Telegram / Medium / Youtube / Facebook


YGG SEA is the first subDAO of YGG. The organization’s mission is to create the biggest and most sustainable play-to-earn virtual economy focused on South East Asia.

Official Links

Website / Twitter/ Discord

