Lowkey demo #2: Team vibe when deleting legacy code

Andreas Sola Fischer
Oda Product & Tech
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2020

This year we’ve been doing 6-week build cycles in Kolonial.no, where at the end each team presents some of their outcome with a lowkey demo. This is something we really enjoy, since we are able to share our work and also see what others in the company have been up to. Due to both the ongoing pandemic and scale up issues, we have had to make the format virtual meeting friendly and have also started recording these sessions. This also makes it a lot easier to share some of the content with you.

I was asked if I wanted to share some of the content from my presentation and without further ado, here it is:

Now what the heck was that?
What you just saw was our attempt of collecting the amazing feeling and vibe of the team into a short video. The reason to why we felt like 💯🔥🤘 was that we had successfully introduced a new tool suite compatible with our future plans and could at the same time delete a lot of legacy code that was holding us back from running even faster towards the future. And the best way we could think of when trying to recreate the same vibe in a video was of course to add some nice air horns, the soundtrack from this amazing Friday feeling youtube video and of course some awesome Microsoft nerds kicking it at the stage. Good vibes much!

Who are we?
The Inventory product & tech team is part of the Logistics Platform area with the mission to make the most enjoyable and efficient system to get the right products to the right “picking” location at the right time. We provide the systems, integrations and algorithms needed for making sure that we know how many products we can sell and ensure they are ready for fulfillment when needed.

Is it fun?
Well obviously. And one way to ensure we keep having fun is to celebrate our achievements. Far too often companies demo and celebrate just what they add of code & features; but if you want to run fast in a tech company — make sure to celebrate cleaning up your debt.

