New Komfo — Guiding you through the Social Media Cityscape

Jonas Als
Komfo Industry Insights
4 min readMar 12, 2017

How do you efficiently manage hundreds of social accounts, be visible, and reach your community while keeping a close watch on the bottom line? Our answer is the New Komfo — smart, efficient, connective and, we would even claim, one of the best-looking software tools out there. Today it’s out to all Komfo users!

Smart and still learning

Komfo has always been about working smart with signature features like Ad Labels that empower everyone in the organization with highly targeted advertising. Yet, our new platform marks a new milestone in our journey towards smart social operations, as we are rolling out automated sentiments — our very first machine learning feature.

Some of our customers track community sentiments over time as a valuable measure of their customer service or their general attitude towards the company. They mark incoming messages as positive, negative or neutral. We have trained Komfo with this data by using advanced machine learning. This means that we are now able to suggest the correct sentiment, while simultaneously learning from every input. This is made possible by the complete data restructuring that we did over a year ago along with the development of our Measure tool.

In essence, we are capable of advanced data processing across all our available social media networks. Automated sentiments are only the first glimpse into making Komfo smarter. We are working on making actions increasingly more informed and data-driven in order to optimize the output of your social efforts, so stay tuned for more automation in the near future.

Optimized workflows with you in mind

Every second counts! Our customers that work in teams are sometimes composing hundreds of posts and even answering thousands of social messages every day. That’s why we have put a lot of effort into collecting their feedback and visiting them in their natural work environment to understand how we can fine tune their workflows.

With the New Komfo, you can create your own templates answers and custom codes to trigger them, saving you even more time in giving faster and better customer support. We already introduced keyboard shortcuts last year to speed up the processes of typical operations like writing internal notes or assigning tasks to coworkers. Now, through template custom codes, we expect a significant drop in response time cross-channel. Of course, you can see that for yourself in our Measure tool. These custom codes and many other functionalities like our upcoming Social Listening are suggested by or created in collaboration with our customers to make sure that they add direct value from day one.

Eco, not Ego system

Is the New Komfo then the one-stop solution for providing great customer experience on social? No, because great customer experience means perceiving your customers as single individuals across all your channels — your website, emails marketing, retail stores, call center etc.

In Komfo, we see that most companies typically have the individual customer overview in a CRM or other central software. This is why we’re continuously developing Komfo Connect — our APIs — the “plugs” that enable Komfo to speak with your other systems. Our prime goal is to activate the data in your ecosystem already available at your fingertips. To truly harvest the value of a great CX, you need to get this dataflow up and running. Now is the time to get started! According to Forbes, 89% of customers say they have switched brands because of poor customer experience, so surely this is important for the bottom line.

It’s the design, Stupid!

Komfo has been acknowledged as best in class when it comes to creating value and being stable. We were one of the very first SoMe tools and one of the first Facebook partners in Europe, but honestly, this did show in parts of our platform. So, exactly one year ago, we sat down with leading Danish design agency Stupid Studio with the ambitious plan to make Komfo’s design experience world-class. They are an agency with an international outlook and an impressive resume. We worked together to make Komfo a tool like no other software out there, while staying true to our company DNA. We truly think we have achieved our goal.

We are extremely proud of the results and we are certain that the New Komfo is ready to fulfill your great ambitions on social! Enjoy!

