Komiser via Homebrew

Mohamed Labouardy
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2019

Homebrew is a widely used package manager for MacOS. It relies intensively on GitHub repositories for package management. Komiser for Mac is best installed with Homebrew.

Issue the following commands to install the CLI:

brew tap mlabouardy/komiser
brew install komiser

Th following output should be displayed:

Komiser is available for Linux, MacOS and Windows. For other ways to install on Komiser, see docs.

After the package is successfully installed, it is a good idea to check that everything is installed as expected by running commonly used Komiser commands like komiser with the --version flag as follows:

That should be it. Try out the following from your command prompt to start the server:

komiser start --port 3000

If you point your favorite browser to http://localhost:3000, you should see Komiser awesome dashboard:

For more information, you should refer to the official documentation here.

Komiser is written in Golang and is MIT licensed — contributions are welcomed whether that means providing feedback or testing existing and new features.


Drop your comments, feedback, or suggestions below — or connect with me directly on Twitter @mlabouardy.



Mohamed Labouardy

CTO & Co-Founder @Tailwarden — Maker of @Komiser.io and Author — Newsletter: https://devopsbulletin.com