Integrate WooCommerce Chatbot To Your Website In 7 Easy Steps

Devashish Datt Mamgain
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2021

WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin that adds e-commerce functionality to your WordPress website so you can have an online store. With just a few clicks, your WordPress website turns into a fully functional eCommerce website.

🚀 Read: Installing WooCommerce plugin

Benefits of Woocommerce

  • Easy to use
  • For Advanced Ventures
  • Customizability and Support
  • Wide variety of themes and plugins
  • Multiple Payment Gateways

Create a free Chatbot

How chatbots add value to your WooCommerce store

A chatbot is a software component that simulates a conversation with human users. The chatbots are increasingly being used at eCommerce stores to greatly improve user experience by offering product suggestions and answering common customer queries.

  • It can serve a large number of users simultaneously at any time without slowing down.
  • Customers get personalized shopping recommendations and price checks.
  • It answers the questions intelligently and allows the owner to configure unanswered questions.
  • It can help in conversions by providing product discovery and product suggestions to the user.

There are 2 phases to create a Woocommerce chatbot

  1. Create a Kompose chatbot and setup the answers
  2. Add the created chatbot to your Woocommerce site

Create a kompose chatbot and setup the answers

Step 1: Setup an account in Kommunicate

Login to your Kommunicate dashboard and navigate to the Bot Integration section.

If you do not have an account, you can create one here for free.

Locate the Kompose section and click on Integrate Bot.

Now, set up your bot by providing bot name, bot language, human handoff setting, and finish the bot setup.

You can check your newly created bot in the below section:

Free Trial for 30 Days

Step 2: Create welcome messages & answers for your Woocommerce chatbot

Go to the ‘Kompose — Bot Builder’ section and select the bot you created.

First set the welcome message for your chatbot. The welcome message is the first message that the chatbot sends to the user who initiates a chat.

Once the welcome message creation is completed, the next step is to create answers for your chatbot.

The answers section is where you’ve to add all the user’s messages and the chatbot responses.

In the Configure user’s message section — you need to mention the phrases that you expect from the users that will trigger.

Configure bot’s reply section — you need to mention the responses (Text or as Rich messages) the chatbot will deliver to the users for the particular user’s message. You can add any number of answers and follow-up responses for the chatbot.

🚀 Video: Create a Chat Bot in 5 Minutes

You can also refer to this blog for Kompose chatbot integration with Kommunicate.

Step 3: How to activate the chatbots

Once you create a bot then you can set it as a default bot in the conversation routing rules section as shown below.

Now, this bot will reply in all the conversations.

Add the chatbot to your Woocommerce website

Step 4: Login to your WordPress admin dashboard

From the left navigation panel, click on Plugins. After that, click on Add New

Step 5: Add New Plugin

Navigate to the search bar and search for ‘Kommunicate’. You will see a Kommunicate Live Chat plugin. Click on the Install Now button for that plugin. Please make sure you Activate the plugin to make use of it.

Step 6: Open Kommunicate plugin panel

From the left navigation menu, below the Settings option, click on the Kommunicate Settings.

Step 7: Add your Kommunciate App ID

To Get the APP ID:

Here, it will ask you for your APP ID. Copy your Kommunicate App ID from the Kommunicate dashboard -> Settings -> Install. Insert the copied APP ID in the box and Save Changes.

Go to the Kommunicate dashboard -> Settings -> Install

Open your Woocoomerce website and you will see the Kommunicate chat widget will be loaded along with the bot responses. You can manage the conversations from Kommunicate dashboard.

At Kommunicate, we are envisioning a world-beating customer support solution to empower the new era of customer support. We would love to have you onboard to have a first-hand experience of Kommunicate. You can signup and start delighting your customers right away.

Creating and installing your Woocommerce chatbot is very simple and requires no coding skills or technical expertise. Install on your Woocommerce site and improve the revenue with the chatbots.

Try For Free

Originally published at on October 21, 2021.



Devashish Datt Mamgain

Cofounder, love building products and writes about technology .