Komodo Workshop: Become a market maker on BarterDEX

Audo Kowitz
Komodo Pioneers
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2018

Our goal for 2018 is to activate Komodo community and encourage them to start meetups, events, and podcasts. To kick things off, we are helping to organize and sponsor a workshop where we will teach people how Komodo’s decentralized exchange could be used to create passive income.​

We interviewed one of the organizers, Barv, to gain an insight into what will happen during the Komodo workshop event.

Good afternoon, Barv. Can you enlighten us about what it means to be a ‘market maker? Is it possible to run a decentralized money making machine?

Bart van Maarseveen

You might know of market makers as professional market participants in stock and currency markets. They are ‘the guys’ that make money no matter the market goes up or down because they know how to get profit from the spreads between the markets.

With bitcoin, we learned we could be our bank using the Bitcoin protocol to generate accounts and execute transactions without the need of a trusted middleman. Bitcoin is permissionless & free to use for anyone as long as you comply with the rules.

Now, using BarterDEX, anyone can be their own marketmaker too! Anyone can buy and sell cryptocurrencies and assets using the completely decentralized and trustless technology of BarterDEX as provided by the Komodo developers team. If you want to be a market maker, you can. All you have to do is set up the system to run as a liquidity provider for the markets on which you wish to participate, fund your smart addresses, define your strategy and go!

That sounds amazing! What can we expect from the event itself? How many people are you expecting to attend the event?

The crypto scene in The Netherlands is very vibrant. There is an active startup scene in Amsterdam; there are many hackathons organized by both corporates and government, there are active scenes of crypto idealists in The Hague and Utrecht, a huge Ethereum developer community and lots of crypto enthusiasts all over the country. I guess our inborn urge to disapprove hierarchy and level decision making fuels the love for crypto.

Komodo is getting attention more and more, and people react very enthusiastically on our BarterDEX workshop. Although it is a working day for most people, we still expect at least 20 to 30 participants.

What can you tell us about the content of this workshop? What will be the agenda?

In the energizing environment of The Hague Tech, an entrepreneurial tech hub in The Hague, we got the opportunity to launch Blockbar. Blockbar is the Open Blockchain Lab Den Haag. It is a spot where once a week (every Friday) anyone can walk in and discuss, learn and work with like-minded on blockchain projects. Here we want to explore new ideas, experiment with social governance and new revenue or income models. We believe blockchain can empower people. This workshop is the result of discussions we had on the options to generate passive income. As we were discussing BarterDEX a lot as a result of Komodo team member Diesmaster’s presentations, Bart Roorda (Dutch blockchain professional & developer) came with the idea to set up a BarterDEX LP node on a Raspberry Pi.

We’ll start the day explaining the setup, working and prepping of BarterDEX after which we’ll guide the participants through the setup of the Raspberry Pi to function as an always-on BarterDEX node, which is ideal to function as a liquidity provider.

Will there be a stream for the online audience?

We arranged the podcast team of Blockrock to record an interview, Vlogger Artakush to tape or stream the event on Steemit channels as Dtube and Dlive and we’ll publish the guides and other relevant links on the Blockbar website afterwards. Stay tuned on the Blockbar twitter feed as well.

You are also a Komodo Pioneer member, can you explain to our audience why they should consider voting Komodo Pioneers in the ongoing Komodo elections?

Komodo Pioneers likes this event a lot because what BarterDEX needs most is liquidity. If BarterDEX gets more popular, Komodo will benefit. Komodo Pioneers wants to promote the fame and use of Komodo so the value of the community will increase healthily. Blockbar is a not for profit community initiative. The sponsoring of Komodo Pioneers enables Blockbar to create even more attractive events; it’s a win-win situation.

It is great to see that the Komodo community is endorsing the Blockbar initiative and Pioneer approach, as Pondsea pledges KMD to sponsor our lunch! This is how communities should work. We love it!

Originally published at www.komodopioneers.com.



Audo Kowitz
Komodo Pioneers

My interest are from philosophy and blockchain to organizational structures and how they can benefit businesses of the future.