Can you do it?!?

KOMODO Lifestyle
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2017

Monday mornings are never fun. Not easy to wake up, prepare breakfast or have a shower. You’re slow, cannot open your eyes and wish you were never born. Oh, maybe is not that dramatic! :)

But this might be your average Monday morning!! It used to be ours, until we got some kids around. And all of a sudden, you need to be ready no matter the morning or your state of mind.

Oh yes, the good old days! Waking up whenever you wanted seems now a luxury. Some of you might be lucky and have older kids, so they either sleep late or do their own stuff. Others might not be so lucky, at least not yet.

But apart from sleeping, how are we working mothers actually cope with everything?!? Kids, home, work, friends and family. And what about yourself and the stuff you want or like ?!? Is there time for it all?!?

The other day we had a talk with an old friend, a mother now as well. “We don’t even have time for a depression”, we said joking. And that is the truth. We always have a to do list, which never ends. It’s a mix of fun, crazy, serious, not so fun, must dos, challenging things. Even more so when you are a mom and an entrepreneur. You always wish you could do more.

But can you actually do it? We are always asking ourselves. And the answer does not not come easy. It’s of course easier said than done. But at the end of the day: Of course, you can! That’s what makes you great! And such a great example for your little one(s). A mom who not only takes care of them, but has a successful career as well. Women have done it for tens of years now, despite inequality, lower pay or just disagreeing men. And moreover, an example for our girls. A lot has changed in last decade or so, but it’s still not easy to be a woman in business even today. We all have to acknowledge that. There is so much work to be done. What we can do right away is to guide our girls and show our boys how mommy rocks. Yes, as girls still need to fight harder and stronger and boys need to be raised conscious of their role. If we start there, we are on the right track. And remember, every small step counts!

If you are looking for some inspiration, this week TIME magazine issue might come in handy: it’s about women who succeeded as Firsts in science, entertainment, business and much more. There also several videos you can watch here. Such great examples for us all!

TIME magazine, September 18 2017

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