
KOMODO Lifestyle
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2017
Komodo’s founders. Credits KOMODO no Kuni

This is where the story begins: from your home to the world. This is a place that is designed to fit, not to divide. To smarten up, rather than just accept the status quo. Beyond the family, as we are a community. To care about the environment and our neighbourhood. To dream, not to just be. Whilst we blur boarders and limits, combine cultures and think different.

There is no need to waste time looking for smart ideas to decorate your kids room. Or for safe and environmentally friendly toys, which your kids can enjoy while learning a few things. You and your new born are also our priority. Thinking about going outdoors or traveling with your kids? Search no longer, you will find all here.

Enjoy a beautiful design, have fun and learn while playing. Take a walk or travel together. It’s the little things that matter.

Our Mission

To educate kids through play

To inspire the belief that everything is possible

To make a difference

Our Vision

At KOMODO, we believe in education and its power to transform our children into the independent, creative and forward-thinking leaders of tomorrow. We believe in experience learning and self-discovery. We believe in a simple, smart, sustainable and design driven world. Our mission is to inspire the feeling that everything is possible. Our platform guides parents and their children throughout their world discovery voyage.

Meet our Founders

Without further ado, this is us! We are happy to meet you and we are looking forward to your comments, thoughts or messages.

Komodo’s founders. Credits KOMODO no Kuni

Martha: “I had the chance to travel very early in my life. By doing so the world open up to me in ways I couldn’t have imaged. Our world is so divers. We are lucky to have this wonderful mixture of cultures, languages and ways of seeing the world. Nonetheless, everywhere I went I could see an overwhelming consumption. And how it’s impacting everyday lives. This is where our platform comes up: sustainable kids brands lasting for generations. No need for functions and buttons, plain old human imagination is capable of much more.”

Komodo’s founders. Credits KOMODO no Kuni

Veronica: “I like exploring and having a challenge. Communications, tech and startups have been my focus for years. And, moreover, children. As I have two boys of my own. Their energy and creativity is an everyday inspiration. I was always aware of the importance of education and the quality of our everyday life, being a mom gave a new twist to it. The way we develop, learn and explore every day is crucial to the adults we become. As it’s the air we breathe and the food we eat. As an entrepreneur, a woman and a mom, I needed to take action. Play an active role in our little ones’ future development, seemed like a good starting point.”

We are the kids independent brands platform.

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*Illustrations credits @Komodo and @GuillaumeFresneau 2018



KOMODO Lifestyle
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For parents who care about the world our little ones grow up in | Conscious | Kids Lifestyle Brands