The beauty of books

KOMODO Lifestyle
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2018

The New Year has started, and the holidays seem already a long time ago. And a what better way to start the year than talking about books.

Are today’s kids still reading books?!? Or is technology getting all their attention?!?

Not an easy question to answer nowadays. There are two schools of thoughts. One is still believing in the power of stories and storytelling. And the other fearing technology, seeing kids stuck to their screens and nothing else. They both might be right.

But how can we make sure our kids will read books no matter the trends?! The first answer might be: start early. The love and curiosity for books can be nurtured from birth. There are tens of baby books out there — from bathtub to hard covers ones, as you know very well. All we have do: is start somewhere.

In the Netherlands, this week (24th of January to 3rd of February) are National Reading Days. Another great opportunity to talk about books and get to read some. The initiative is focusing on kids from 0–6 years old. The perfect target group!

We support these initiatives and are doing our best to contribute. We have brought on board a small selection of books. Of course, this is only the beginning and we are looking for many more. We have a selection of bath, soft books, slide and play books, sound books or the Elma van Vliet Give and Get Back books. Each comes with its own story and the Elma van Vliet ones are going a step further. Offering a gift or creating your own personalised book has become way easier.

Nonetheless, every book touches us. Builds up our personality. When we have a new friend and get invited to his/her house, by checking their library we find out (well, almost) who they are. And, needless to say, it educates us. During these foggy times, they are the perfect way to keep us on the right track. And that wonderful smell of a printed book (fingers crossed for more and more recycled ones)! Such a wonderful experience!

What are your thoughts? And if you have suggestions of great books you think we should add to our selection, we would love to hear from you. Enjoy!



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