Komuhn ❤ IKEA

Pedro Reis
Komuhn sense
Published in
6 min readAug 8, 2017


We are applying to IKEA’s bootcamp program with an idea that we have been playing around for a very long time — A tool for anyone to build a space for collaboration.

We have helped design and build dozens of spaces and have seen, over and over, people dealing with the same aspects and difficulties when sharing space and participating in these type of projects.

We want to develop a solution that can revolutionize the way we create this type of spaces. We call it Ground.

Ground [codename] is an open source design system for collaboration spaces*. Rather than a system that dictates how a space should be, we want to create a platform that enables anyone to change it. Our purpose is to subtract the barriers to collaboration so we can focus on the meaningful interactions that bring ideas to life.

*ideation, learning, makers, skill sharing, networking, events, community activation, social projects, activism, coworking, coliving, townhall forums

More people getting together to do the things that matter.

We want to make the process of starting, managing and upgrading this type of spaces the most accessible and affordable possible. By giving the autonomy for every user to contribute we can build on top of the knowledge of all and have access to a collection of shared components, technologies and best practices that will improve the system itself and make it an evermore powerful co-creation tool.

Additionally this will create opportunities for participants and partners to contribute with upgrades or propose new solutions. A system like this will allow us to learn more about how people use these spaces, what are the most requested needs and design accordingly.

With the evolution to a more collaborative society the way we co-create is evolving too and we want that more people have access to the best possible environment to make ideas happen. For every good idea there should be a common ground for making it possible.

How we interact with the spaces we use with others has an effect in how we behave in that space.

The system will be composed of a digital interface and a library of digitally modifiable components.

  • Documentation/handbook
  • Project management
  • Task management automation (IFTTT)
  • User reports
  • Participation, Governance, Discussion, Social interaction, Decision making
  • Financial and budget management/allocation
  • Best practices forum/repository
  • Materials /Components catalogue
  • Library of things/ Time bank

Anyone will be able to develop components and add them to the system.

  • Layout design
  • Furniture
  • Toolbox/Toolkit
  • Signage
  • Tools/Hardware (Wifi, communication, visualization, computers, )
  • OT/Sensors/AI systems to manage and update the space resources and users
  • Space prototyping tools (VR, AR, models)

Space for ideation
Teams looking for spaces to brainstorm, discuss ideas, prototype and strategy planning.

Space for learning
Creating environments that facilitate the sharing of knowledge and skills and enable learning through participation.

More efficient spaces
Organizations looking for ways to make the spaces they use more efficient for collaboration and utilize better their resources.

A space for community activation
People wanting to create awareness around a theme and bring people together to act on it.

A space to integrate
Communities concerned with missing the potential of participation and inclusion of new members.

Catering for the freelancer/remote/nomad movement
Spaces that give the freedom and create the opportunity for people to choose to temporarily participate in local projects and bring together people that otherwise would be disconnected from the places they live in.

Debate platform between government and citizens
Neutral spaces to enable collaboration between organizations and its members in solving social issues and cultivate civic and participative culture.

Some of the ideas that we (you too) could develop with a system like this.

01 Design

Make changes to components of the space (layout, furniture, tools, technologies) and push changes to a shared repository.

02 Organization

Gather data from the users and automatically make changes to the space. Improve resource usage and management.

03 Participation

Increase autonomy and collaboration inside spaces by giving access to information and creating processes for decision making.

04 Innovation

A system like this will allow us to learn more about how people use these spaces, what are the most requested needs and design accordingly.

Icons by Becris from the Noun Project

We’re very much looking forward for feedback on this idea. Even though we have spent countless hours thinking about it, we are in a very early stage of development and very much looking forward to learn and experiment. If we get lucky and the good people at IKEA Bootcamp and like our idea we will get a great opportunity to make it happen.

Learn more about the program here: https://ikeabootcamp.rainmaking.io/

If you would would like to contribute, share this idea with others (recommend this article and send it to your friends), or share your ideas with us by joining the project here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1274310812631272/

We are Komuhn. A team designing and building ideas towards impacting the world in a positive way.


