Weekly #28: The Gang’s Back Together

Gabrielle Minkley
Komuhn sense
Published in
5 min readJul 23, 2018

OK, so we’re on a bit of a roll — it is actually a week (roughly) since we last told you what we’ve been up to, so this is officially a WEEKLY! A bitesize chunk of what we’ve been up to, rather than the whole feast in one sitting.

In short

  • The gang got back together, reunited in the virtual world
  • Espaço Ó portfolio baby was born
  • Money, money, money…
  • Playtime at The Great Good Place
  • TEDxPeniche is on the move

In Long

The gang got back together, reunited in the virtual world.

Monday is always our Komuhn Team Meeting, which is a great way to start the week, and for me being miles away in England a great way to feel connected with the team again. I was getting FOMO watching all the cool stuff they’d been making the week before without me, like publishing the last Weekly and fun open-space meetings. It’s not always easy working remotely, but we do a good job with video meetings, daily Slack check-ins and scheduled workouts together.

Team Komuhn’s got muscle!

Myself and Ines are newbies to the team, joining officially in the last couple of months (Pedro is making it official this week by putting our shots on the Komuhn website). We’re still getting into a groove with the Komuhn ways of working, so the weekly Team Meetings are a treasure trove of information and motivation for my portfolio of work.

Espaço Ó portfolio baby was born

This baby has been taking it’s time to come out, but we’re nearly ready to show it off to the world. Espaço Ó was a special project for the Komuhn team, a community activation and incubation space in Obidos that Pedro, Riikka and Tita co-founded. There’s so much to share from the experience of starting and growing the space, and we don’t want to miss anything, so we’re taking our time and planning to share it in chunks.

Espaço Ó roadmap

This week we had a workout on the roadmap, with Tita bringing it to life with some beautiful illustrations — you’ll can check it out on our Medium page soon. You’ll then get to hear about how it really went, the great bits and the not so great bits, and all the lessons we learnt and want to share for the holy grail of collaboration & innovation.

Money, money, money…

Time to get some money through the Komuhn doors this month too. It’s great working with such a lovely bunch of humans, who just want to make the world a lovely place doing cool projects (see The Great Good Place!), but we also need to pay the bills. Luckily, we’ve got the skills to pay those bills so we’re all on the scout for interesting and well paid design jobs to work on as a team. We’d love to hear from you if this makes your ears prick up.

Meanwhile, Pedro has been keeping the boat afloat working on the Algarve Surf School website — frazzled working into the night, but finally finishing a beautiful website.

Playtime at The Great Good Place

Last Friday we had our weekly open-space session in Peniche on one of our projects The Great Good Place (TGGP). This time we were hanging out at Bar do Quebrado, an amazing host and location in Peniche. Everyone wanted to talk about roles & tasks, investment & sustainability in the project, the actual space, and the next Meet-Up (planned for August). Energy started low on the meeting, as everyone had been working hard all morning on TGGP Communications, but we ended up with some good results and next steps for the project.

The Great Good Place open-space in Peniche (Gabs joined remotely from England)

Pedro interviewed people about roles and tasks at the TGGP open-space and turned this into a Trello board TGGP Play. This will allow people to see the plans and where they can get involved with roles and tasks.

The great space hunt of Peniche is on too! We’re currently searching for a temporary space in Peniche to house our pop-up TGGP co-working space. There’s one in the running, which we’re checking out in the next week, and we’re all keeping our fingers crossed it could be a winner.

TEDxPeniche is on the move

TEDxPeniche is another project that the Komuhn team are involved in (we like to keep ourselves busy). I hosted the fortnightly TEDxPeniche Team meeting, beginning with a sense of optimism of where we were at, and left it feeling more stressed than I started — there’s alot to do! (Err, yeah, it’s a TEDx event you’re all thinking!). Parts of the project are still in the concept phase, so this week is all about getting focused on a few areas with champions leading on certain areas.

We decided to steam ahead with a few Workouts in the next week to work on:

1) Speakers (I’m the champion for this at the moment 💪)

2) Vision for the day (Ines is the champion for this one 💪)

3) Web design and identity (Ana Tita is the champ for this one 💪)

Lucky for us, we have the special help of Norberto Amaral our TEDx superhero, who has a wealth of experience from the TEDxPorto events. He’s being very patient with all my TEDx questions and advice, and might just prevent me from going grey too early — thanks Norberto :)

Phew, it’s been a busy week! I’m going to kick-back with a cup of my finest English tea, until next week and our next Weekly. Over and out.

Love from Gabs, and all of team Komuhn :)

