Windows 7 Running On The iPad-VMware View Video Demo

Kevin Minott
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2011


VMware has developed it’s desktop virtualization software to allow users to run Windows 7 on the Apple iPad. This will come as a great relief to business users of the iPad. As Apple marches towards complete dominance of the tablet market, one nagging issue has remained. How will businesses fully entrenched in the Windows ecosystem migrate to the iOS platform. Apple’s iWorks can provide a temporary workaround for file interoperability, as it allows users to output documents in Microsoft Office friendly format. The same can be achieved via Google Docs export features.

VMware’s View client app provides a more elegant solution, it allows offices running enterprise level software to use the best tablet on the market all the while having full access to Windows 7 via cloud virtualization, no need to buy new hardware. Just fire up the app and you’re working in a Windows desktop environment, with full featured software and unlimited file storage. The new Windows environment also inherits all the touch and pinch to zoom features of the iPad. To make the virtual PC environment complete you can parent a Bluetooth keyboard to the iPad as well as activating an onscreen track touch pad.

[caption id=”attachment_4265" align=”alignnone” width=”560" caption=”VMware View iPad”]


VMware’s View client app allows businesses using enterprise software to kill too birds with one stone at a fraction of the cost.

You can follow me here: @KevinMinott

