Windows 95 Running on Android

Kevin Minott
Published in
1 min readJul 16, 2010

Not all hacks have to be high tech. Sometimes it’s fun to go retro and see how old tech runs on modern hardware. For instance, many of you have seen old Nintendo emulators running on mobile devices. What if we took it one step further and ran Windows 95 on your shiny new Android phone?


File this under “Why? Because I can”. There’s really no utilitarian reason why one would want to do this, other than to say that they can.

Keep in mind that Windows 95 wasn’t “touch friendly” so you’ll have to tap and drag the mouse cursor around, and “clicks” are tricky because the pointer is so small.

Additionally, the screen resolution is set at 640x480 (which doesn’t fill the screen), you’re probably not going to be able to fire up Internet Explorer and surf the web, install printers, or install additional programs.

And remember, if you don’t properly shutdown, the next time you go to boot up Windows 95 you’ll be met with an old-school Scandisk, even on Android.

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