Containers for Java Applications and Microservices Implementation

KonfHub Organizers
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2019

Last Saturday we had an amazing meetup on “Containers for Java Applications and Microservices Implementation” at MoveInSync, Bangalore. The top companies from which the participants came were like Oracle, DXC Technologies, Unisys, and more. We had a mixed crowd from students to freshers to professionals with 10 to 15 years of experience. Participants started coming by 10:00 am in the morning and started taking their seats. An introduction was given by the host to welcome the participants and the speakers.

KEDA for Kubernetes

The first session was given by Manoj Ganapathi, Chief Architect at CodeOps Technologies. He talked about “ Bringing the power of Serverless event-driven architecture to K8s”.

KEDA (K8s Event-Driven Autoscaling) is a very interesting open-source project jointly committed by Microsoft and Red Hat to provide event-driven capabilities for any Kubernetes workload. In this session, Manoj showcased the basics of KEDA with simple examples leveraging AKS, Azure Service Bus, and KEDA.

You can access the slide by Manoj during the meetup here. A lot of people had shown interest in learning Kubernetes. If you were not there in the meetup and want to learn Kubernetes then you should definitely go through this learning material on “50 days from zero to hero with Kubernetes”.

Why Java is still an interesting choice?

The second session was given by Rupesh Goyal, Head of Engineering at MoveInSync. During his session, he explained why “Java remains an interesting choice for scalable applications due to its popularity and low barrier-to-entry”.

Rupesh illustrated how Java with microservices implementation, MoveInSync has been solving extremely complex problems of demand prediction and real-time tracking, at scale. The session, later on, got extended to an open-end discussion where people interacted with the speaker personally.

What’s coming next?

We have several more meetups lined up on September. Go through here to know more about the upcoming developer meetups and conferences happening.

Oh! BTW we recently crossed 3000+ members in our Container Developer meetup group. If you are a Container enthusiast and want to know about the newest technologies and hacks on it then you should definitely join this group. Meetup page link:



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