Your Next Step To Open Source — OSS Days

Haimantika Mitra
KonfHub Organizers
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2020

With open source bringing a new dimension to the technology world, it is now counted as a must-have skill.

It is said, “Empowerment of individuals is a key part of what makes open source work since, in the end, innovations tend to come from small groups, not from large, structured efforts.”

To empower individuals through open source, we are organizing Open Source Software Days Conference(OSS Days) on 30th and 31st October.

Why Open-Source? 🤔

From the latest Linux Foundation’s 2020 Open Source Jobs Report:

  1. Qualified open source talent is still in short supply: 93% of hiring managers report difficulty finding sufficient talent with open source skills, up from 87% two years ago.
  2. DevOps’ rise: DevOps pros have risen to the most sought after job role, with 65% of companies looking to hire more DevOps talent, up from 59% in 2018.
  3. Cloud technology is hot: In terms of knowledge domains, hiring managers report knowledge of open cloud technologies has the most significant impact, with 70% being more likely to hire a pro with these skills, up from 66% in 2018.

OSS Days is an excellent opportunity for you to learn and upskill on DevOps, Cloud, and more. It is a two day (30 & 31 October 2020), virtual, free, developer-focussed, community-driven conference, meant for professionals & open source enthusiasts.

What To Expect From OSS Days? 🤔

  1. Level 300 to 400 talks focussed on the theme “Cloud & Open Source Technologies”.
  2. Hands-on workshops on Kubernetes 101 and CI/CD with GitHub Actions and Kubernetes.
  3. Specially curated learning materials.
  4. Azure Dev Challenge that can win you exclusive blockchain-based Azure badges.
  5. Daily challenges and fun quiz throughout the event, that can bag you cash prizes. 💸

Looks like a deal? Register for FREE here 👉

Meet Our Superhero Speakers🦸

An event’s charm lies in its speakers. For OSS Days, we have a great lineup of speakers, from students being the next generation of technology leaders to professionals who are technology experts and community leaders who have been uplifting individuals through their commendable work!

We call them superheroes because they have the superpower of sharing insightful ideas and empowering individuals with their knowledge!

Session Highlights 📢

  • Real-Time Object Detection and Analytics Using Docker & RedisEdge Stack by Ajeet Singh Raina
  • Build CI/CD Pipeline for any Language and any Platform with Azure DevOps by Murughan Palaniachari and more

For detailed agenda for 30th October conference day, visit our website 👉

What’s More?

We have hands-on sessions on 31st October workshop day:

Learning Materials To Help You Get Started With Open Source 📖

Get started with Microsoft Developer Tools and Technologies

Check out popular developer tools, frameworks, and experiences built around Open Source

Take this learning path and understand Kubernetes in just 50 days

Learn new skills and discover the power of Microsoft products with step by step guidance

Get started with open source contribution

Open Source Software Days might be your ticket to 👉 git commit -m “First commit added”.

What is open source without GitHub? 😉 We have got all the learning materials, session slides, agenda, and other details git pushed in our GitHub repository.

Event Details:

The event is FREE and is open for everyone to attend. Register NOW to not miss any updates.

This event wouldn’t have been possible without the help of our amazing community partners! 🤝

Special mention goes to Edureka- our exclusive learning and streaming partner for OSS Days 📼

Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook to not miss our live stream, contests, and updates! 🤓📺

See you at the virtual stage!✌️

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Haimantika Mitra
KonfHub Organizers

Training and testing in real and reel life. 👩‍💻