$CITIZEN Redemptions

Opening Redemptions for KONG Land Alpha NFTs

The Ambassador
KONG Land Embassy
6 min readSep 13, 2021


Your KONG Land Passport, ready to unlock IRL metaverse experiences

Starting this week, anyone who owns a $CITIZEN token will be able to redeem it for a physical Kong Land Passport and Alpha citizenship NFT.

Redemptions will open at Kong.land on:
September 15 at 14:00 UTC7:00 AM US PDT 10:00 AM US EDT

Seeing the growing excitement in the community around redemptions, we want to share a little more information about the NFTs, the redemption process and answer frequently asked questions we’ve heard.

A recap what owning a $CITIZEN token unlocks —

Founding Citizenship

The first 500 citizenship tokens, identified as $CITIZEN, are a special class of founding citizenship — Alpha $CITIZENs. Like Punks and $SOCKs, Alpha $CITIZENs are the first of their kind and will be forever etched onto crypto history as the earliest Kong Land pioneers.

Redemption of Alpha $CITIZEN will unlock physical and digital crypto assets:

  • An Alpha KONG Land Passport with the first sovereign KONG Land embedded in it — real meteorite dust (yes, from outer space ☄️)
  • An Alpha NFT with unique characteristics that distinguish each one 🖼️
  • Access to $CITIZEN-only channels on Discord 🔐
  • Regular high-fives for being the first citizens of Kong Land and paving the way for future Konglandian generations 🙏

Alpha NFTs

Alpha NFTs give you access to the digital and physical KONG Land, and they represent your ultimate citizenship in the crypto state.

Each NFT is an ERC-721 that consists of a unique 3D model of a KONG Land statue, inspired by the KONG Cash notes. We’ll render both a static image as well as short video of your NFT, available on IPFS. The statues come in various materials and have some unique traits:

  • Animated halos encoded with information from the $CITIZEN-only room on the KONG Land Discord. (The halo is created by using Blake 3 to hash conversations from the citizen-only Discord channel.)
  • A unique audio track, based on the attributes inherent to the NFT (created by a $CITIZEN sound designer).
  • Each NFT will receive a token ID starting from 1. The token ID will be printed on your associated KONG Land Passport. The order of redemption will establish your ID number, so if you want a low number, redeem as early as possible.
  • Upgradability — as we build out KONG Land, we anticipate that there will be a need to enable new functionality into the NFT, notably with respect to governance.

There are few more surprises that we’ll keep secret until the actual NFT reveal 🙊

KONG Land NFTs are not your ordinary pfps

Redeeming your $CITIZEN

  1. Visit Kong.Land on:
    September 15 at 14:00 UTC7:00 AM US PDT 10:00 AM US EDT.
    See to your local time here.
  2. You will need some ETH in your wallet to pay for the approval and transaction’s gas cost. Assuming a gas price of 100–200 GWEI, we recommend having 0.03–0.06 ETH in your wallet at a minimum to ensure your transaction is processed successfully. We highly recommend checking the price of gas at the time of redemption and adjusting your ETH wallet balance accordingly.
  3. Click the “REDEEM” button.
  4. You will be prompted to approve spending of your $CITIZEN ERC-20 token by the Burn-to-Mint contract.
  5. After approval, you will be prompted to call a dedicated function in the Burn-to-Mint contact. This function burns your $CITIZEN ERC-20 token and grants you a $CITIZEN ERC-721 in exchange. Please note that while you will hold the ERC-721 token at this point, the NFT will not be fully revealed yet.
  6. Complete the shipping information form. Be sure to double-check that all of your information is correct before submitting the form.
  7. Once submitted, we will ship your physical KONG Land Passport via USPS.

All $CITIZENs Registered on Discord:
Upon redeeming your $CITIZEN, you’ll be temporarily removed from $CITIZEN-only channels. You can re-establish your citizenship by verifying again with Collabland using the new minted NFT in your wallet.

Revealing your NFT

We plan to wait at least two weeks until we enable the ability to reveal your NFTs; we want as many $CITIZENs as possible to participate in the unveiling.

The reveal phase will involve using the KONG mobile app (App Store or Google Play) to generate cryptographic information by scanning your Passport. We’ll share more information via the KONG Land Discord and Twitter regarding the reveal process and date.

If you have a question about the redemption process, please read through the FAQ below.

We can’t wait to see all of the Alpha NFTs out in the wild, so if you plan to tweet about yours, be sure to tag us (@Kongiscash) and include the new $CTZN cashtag. See you on redemption day! 👋

“An Athenian citizen does not neglect his state because he takes care of his own household; even those of us who are engaged in business have a very fair idea of politics. We do not regard a man who takes no interest in public affairs as harmless. We do not say that such a man ‘minds his own business’. Rather we say he has no business here at all.”

- Pericles

Follow this blog for project updates and join the community:

Redemption FAQ

How much $CITIZEN is required to redeem?

You will need 1 $CITIZEN to redeem a Passport and associated Alpha NFT.

How many Alpha NFTs are there in total?

500. Subsequent citizenship token drops will also be redeemable for an NFT, but they won’t carry all of the special elements of the Alpha NFTs.

Are all of the Alpha NFTs the same?

No, each Alpha NFT has unique visual and audio attributes.

Do the Alpha Kong Land Passports really have meteorite dust in them?

Yes, they really do. A small amount of meteorite dust is embedded in each of the Passports.

Will I receive a Passport shipment notification?

We’ll send a notification to the email you submit on the shipping information form.

Are there any countries that you can’t ship a Passport to?

USPS can ship to most countries in the world except for sanctioned countries listed here.

Can I have my Passport shipped via an alternate shipping service like FedEx or UPS?

If you are concerned about receiving mail via USPS, you can include a note with your order to coordinate payment for FedEx or UPS as an alternative courier.

What happens if I don’t receive my Passport before the reveal date?

We’ll do our best to wait until as many citizens as possible can participate in the unveiling, however, we’re ultimately at the mercy of the shipping gods. Don’t worry, though! You’ll be able to reveal your NFT using your Passport any time after the reveal date.

Will the be a time limit on redeeming my $CITIZEN?

No, we plan to keep the redemptions open.

Will I need to spend gas to redeem my $CITIZEN?

Yes, you will need some ETH in your wallet to pay for the transaction’s gas cost. Using an average gas price of 100–200 GWEI, we recommend having 0.03–0.06 ETH in your wallet at a minimum to ensure your transaction is processed successfully. We highly recommend checking the price of gas at the time of redemption and adjusting your ETH wallet balance accordingly.

Will I lose my $CITIZEN token when I redeem it?

Yes, redeeming your $CITIZEN burns the ERC-20 token in exchange for a newly minted ERC-721 token.

What happens if I sell my citizenship NFT?

You will no longer be a $CITIZEN. This means you cannot participate in building Kong Land and will be removed from all citizen-only channels on Discord.

Will you share the NFT contract publicly?

Yes, we will publish the smart contract to our our GitHub repo.

Where will the NFT’s media be stored?

IPFS. We have a couple strategies for pinning NFT media to ensure availability.

Is my Ethereum address be associated with my NFT?

Yes. The Ethereum address you use to burn your $CITIZEN and mint your NFT is visible on-chain. If this is a concern to you, consider selling your $CITIZEN back to the liquidity pool and purchasing it again using an anon wallet.

