Planting the KONG Land Flag

The Ambassador
KONG Land Embassy
Published in
5 min readNov 16, 2021

Recruiting New $CITIZENs and Establishing the KONG Land DAO

Today KONG Land consists of an impressive group of Alpha $CITIZENs — musicians, artists, engineers and community builders — who share the belief that physical crypto assets enable self-custody and self-determinism in the decentralized web.

Now the time has come for the next phase of KONG Land — establishing the economic and social infrastructure needed to bring this vision into reality through a functional DAO and by growing the citizenry.

Inaugurating the KONG Land DAO

As a cryptostate with the mission of broadly disseminating trustworthy physical crypto assets, so too must KONG Land establish a presence in the real world: the first KONG Land Embassy will be created as a Wyoming Unincorporated Non-Profit Association. This first DAO will serve as the initial vehicle for all governance functions, including managing a chip registry, recruiting citizens and the maintenance of a treasury.

The KONG Land DAO will be governed by the citizens — those who hold a unique ERC721 $CITIZEN token and have digitally signed a binding KONG Land charter. Citizens are the leaders, decision-makers, laborers, and maintainers of KONG Land; they determine the future of the cryptostate.

Upon ratification of a KONG Land charter by $CITIZENs, we plan to propose the several measures to the DAO:

  • To establish a firm governance framework.
  • To establish a sustainable economic foundation and medium of exchange.
  • To establish a means by which sub-DAOs can integrate and leverage SiLo’s to create physical crypto assets to the betterment of KONG Land.

Alpha $CITIZEN NFT Reveal

With the shipment of over 150 physical, SiLo-enabled KONG Land Passports to Alpha $CITIZENs, we are nearing the reveal of the Alpha NFT statues. The statues are pulled from the classical Pantheon of Roman gods, combining modern and classical elements.

Each statue will include a video render and a completely unique soundscape for that statue. The statue files will be pinned to IPFS and saved to Arweave to ensure availability.

Each $CITIZEN ERC721 holder will use their KONG Land Passport to reveal a statue through the KONG mobile app. The Passport generates a signature which in turn is submitted for verification; if verification is successful, then the Passport is linked to the ERC721. After waiting several blocks, the signature will be hashed with a subsequent block header and matched with the hash of one of the statues.

Welcoming new $CITIZENs

Alpha $CITIZENs are the first generation of citizens, and have a particular and unique place in Kong Land as founders of the cryptostate. It’s now time for them to help steward additional citizens into KONG Land who share in the same vision of bridging crypto assets into the physical world.

To achieve that goal, we are announcing today a second issuance of citizenship tokens, $CTZN. Like the Alpha $CITIZENs, $CTZN is an ERC20 token that grants holders the right to claim KONG Land citizenship.

We are minting 5,000 $CTZN tokens, of which two $CTZN will be claimable by all current KONG Land Alpha $CITIZENs who have burned their ERC20 to redeem their ERC721 (as of a snapshot of individual ERC721 holders conducted November 14th). We believe that active $CITIZENs are the best positioned to recruit the most deserving prospects.

The balance of $CTZN tokens will be used for the benefit of the KONG Land treasury —public sales of $CTZN have yet to be announced. The deployment of the $CTZN contract will be announced via the KONG Twitter and Discord.

Fungible and Non-Fungible Citizenship

The new $CTZN token will mirror the Alpha $CITIZEN token: it will be burnable for a non-fungible $CITIZEN ERC721 token representing citizenship in KONG Land and a physical KONG Passport. $CTZN is intended to represent the last supply of ‘liquid’ citizenships for KONG Land.

Moving forward, we believe that KONG Land should instead issue non-fungible citizenship directly as a means of rewarding those serving the cryptostate and to recruit driven, talented and hardworking new citizens. This includes early KONG Cash purchasers who received KONG prototype IDs in 2019–2020 and a limited number of existing owners of SiLo-enabled physical crypto.

Non-fungible citizenship will be the only way to participate in the direct governance of KONG Land and to access all state functions. We anticipate that there will be additional KONG Land forums and communities which are limited to non-fungible $CITIZENs who have committed to governing the cryptostate.

Manifest KONG

As we embark on the next phase of building this cryptostate, we would like to commend Alpha $CITIZENs for all the work they have done thus far for KONG Land: visual and auditory art for the Alpha statues and POAPs, rebuilding the KONG mobile apps, creating a registrar for citizen.eth, designing a new chip registry, and bringing together our community in the KONG Land Discord and IRL.

We believe that individual sovereignty is enabled through sound physical crypto — and ultimately secure chips. It is important to note, however, that most $CITIZENs can support the state not through chip and software development, but by spreading the word about how secure chips enable simple, usable crypto experiences.

With a new tranche of $CTZN available, we ask that Alpha $CITIZENs help us to identify and recruit new citizens who want to build towards a future of ubiquitous crypto that is owned by the individuals who create it.

The provisional cryptostate would also like to recognize and commend Kelsie, Chris Berg, Jason Potts and Sinclair Davidson for their exemplary and ongoing service to state and economic infrastructure.

