The Five Most Powerful Spirit Animals

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3 min readAug 31, 2020

Spirit Animals have been a part of shamanic spiritual beliefs for millennia, and each one represents a different aspect of the divine. We are all made up of the same sacred energy, and we can tap into the infinite pool of consciousness to embody any characteristic of our choosing. When we are going through challenging times, and need to find a little extra inner-strength, we can call on a spirit animal to activate a specific quality within our consciousness. Here are the five most powerful spirit animals to call on when times get tough and we need divine allies:

1. The Dragon

The Dragon is the most powerful of all Spirit Animals, offering us the energy of Ancient Magic and Primal Strength. The Dragon is master of the skies and the earth, offering Higher Perspective while keeping us grounded. Dragons are pretty much invincible, and tapping into Dragon-Energy offers us the courage to overcome anything that comes our way. When we call upon the Dragon, we also conjure the fire element, which is an incredibly powerful force to channel. With the Dragon on our side, we can walk through fire without getting burnt, and even redirect it back from where it came.

2. The Tiger

The Tiger is another powerful Spirit Animal that offers protection from any negative energy that might be thrown at us. When we call upon the Tiger totem, we can enhance our intuitive abilities, and see through the darkness of the night. By tapping into the Spirit of the Tiger we have access to our primal instincts and can use them to our advantage. As the king of the jungle, the Tiger offers us the raw strength to combat any challenge and win. When life becomes wild, chaotic, and unpredictable we can invoke the energy of the Tiger to deal with unforeseeable circumstances.

3. The Snake

The Snake often gets a bad rap, as it evokes feelings of fear and danger. In reality, the Snake Spirit Animal is among the most powerful of all Spiritual Guides and offers us protection and strength. Snakes also assist us in shedding the old ways of life and are a powerful ally when it comes to Spiritual Transformation. The snake often appears in our lives when we are going through a difficult period of transition. If we are facing a fork in the road, wondering which direction to take, we can call on the Snake to reveal which path leads to the Highest Good.

4. The Spider

The Spider might be small but it is an incredibly powerful Spirit Animal, enabling us to weave a beautiful web that will lead us towards our Sacred Destiny. The energy of the Spider can be called on when we need to create something from nothing. Whether we need to come up with a strategy or to manifest something into a physical reality, we can invoke the power of the Spider. It offers the quality of patience when we are enacting our plans and looking forward to the result. The spider also gives us inner strength and will-power to overcome any hardship.

5. The Eagle

When we call upon the Eagle for guidance, we can invoke the ability to see clearly into the future. The Eagle is the king of the birds and known for its strategic nature. This Spirit Animal offers us the courage to remain true to ourselves and our unique perspectives. The Eagle has a laser-like focus and allows us to channel a strong force of will. In situations where we feel under attack, we can benefit from the Eagle’s warlike energy and refuse to succumb to defeat. With the Eagle as an ally, we can see the bigger picture and make the right choice based on Higher Perspective.

There are no limitations when it comes to the Spiritual Realm, and you can call on a different Spirit Animal to embody their unique qualities for every occasion. These are the five most powerful Spirit Animals for overcoming challenges, and you can call on one or all of them as needed. When we invoke the energy of a Spirit Animal, we can find the strength within ourselves. Everything is connected on an energetic level, and there are no limits to the Infinite Potential within each of us.




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