Introducing Lou & Chi — a dog and a bot!

Kontiki AI
Published in
1 min readJan 16, 2018

The Back-story

As we continue to build Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and other advanced technology solutions, we wanted to capture the nuances of design thinking and creativity that forms the core of all our products. That’s when Lou & Chi were born.

Lou & Chi, is a series of conversation between the dog, ‘Lou’ and the bot, ‘Chi’, about worldly things seen from their perspective, also, how they find their human silly in certain instances.

This is our first in a planned weekly series — hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Why a dog and a bot ?

Because, both a well-behaved dog and a well-behaved bot need a lot of training over a period of time after multiple iterations! :)

At Kontiki Labs, we are enabling enterprises and businesses of all sizes to use AI powered technologies such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning by building affordable, people focused, design-first AI solutions. You can connect with us on twitter or on email: hi[at]kontikilabs[dot]com



Kontiki AI

Passionate about design, technology, and dogs!